Faculty Authors
A Glossary to the Delaware Publications of Ira D. Blanchard by Miles Beckwith (Editor, Compiled by); Ives Goddard (Editor, Compiled by)
Call Number: Q 497.345 B 639gISBN: 9780990334477Publication Date: 2021The Delaware Primers of Ira D. Blanchard by Ives Goddard (Editor, Translated with commentary by); Miles Beckwith (Editor, Translated with commentary by); Ira Blanchard (Translator)
Call Number: Q 497.345 B 639pISBN: 9780990334460Publication Date: 2021Augustine and Time by John Doody (Editor); Sean Hannan (Editor); Kim Paffenroth (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 261.55 A 923ISBN: 9781793637758Publication Date: 2021Disrupting Dignity: Rethinking Power and Progress in LGBTQ Lives by Stephen M. Engel (Author); Timothy S. Lyle (Author)
Call Number: Faculty Author 306.76 E 57ISBN: 9781479852031Publication Date: 2021- Black Wick: Selected Elegies by Sharon Kennedy-NolleCall Number: Faculty Author 811.6 K 351ISBN: 9781034646969Publication Date: 2021
Soft Skills for Human Centered Management and Global Sustainability by María Teresa Lepeley (Editor); Nicholas J. Beutell (Editor); Nureya Abarca (Editor); Nicolas Majluf (Editor)
ISBN: 9780367556402Publication Date: 2021eBook.Wesley Fishel and Vietnam: A Great and Tragic American Experiment by Joseph G. Morgan
Call Number: Faculty Author 959.704 F 532ISBN: 9781498576512Publication Date: 2021On King Lear, the Confessions, and Human Experience and Nature by Kim Paffenroth
Call Number: Faculty Author 822.33 K 6pISBN: 9781350203198Publication Date: 2021Character and dystopia: The last men by Aaron S. Rosenfeld
Call Number: Faculty Author 809.933 R 8135ISBN: 9780367422752Publication Date: 2021- Cesare Dandini’s Holy Family with the Infant St. John: A Rediscovered Florentine Baroque Masterpiece by Ruggio, ThomasCall Number: Archives College History Cabinet 2.4.1Publication Date: 2021
America's Democracy in Crisis : The Case for Rethinking Madisonian Government by Jeanne Sheehan
Call Number: Faculty Author 320.973 S 541ISBN: 9783030622800Publication Date: 2021Also available as an eBook.Why It's OK to Be a Slacker by Alison Suen
Call Number: Faculty Author 179.8 S 944ISBN: 9780367338183Publication Date: 2021
Book Chapters
Beutell, Nicholas J., Katherina Kuschell and Maria-Teresa Lepeley. "Learning from Failure: Soft Skills for Sustainability in the VUCA Environment." Soft Skills for Human Centered Management and Global Sustainability. Routledge, 2021.
Beutell, Nicholas J., Katherina Kuschell and Maria-Teresa Lepeley. "Life-Work Continuum: The New Organizational Culture." Human-Centered Organizational Culture: Global Dimensions. Routledge, 2021.
DeSon, Joshua J., Nathan J. Lowry, Colleen M. Jacobson, and Margaret S. Andover. "Examining the Relationship between Suicide and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury among Adolescents and Young Adults." Handbook of Youth Suicide Prevention: Integrating Research Into Practice. Springer, 2021.
Eodice, Alexander R. "Keeping Time in Mind: Saint Augustine's Proposed Solution to a Perplexing Problem." Augustine and Time. Ed. John Doody, Sean Hannan, and Kim Paffenroth. Lexington Books, 2021. Faculty Author 261.55 A 923
Kibler, Amanda, Christine Hardigree, and Fares Karam. "Online Resources for L2 Argumentative Writing in Secondary Schools: A View from the Field." Argumentative Writing in a Second Language: Perspectives on Research and Pedagogy. Ed. Alan Hirvela and Diane Belcher. University of Michigan Press, 2021.
Segura-Rico, Nereida. "'No Trespassing': Language, Madness, and Patriarchy in How the García Girls Lost Their Accents." How the García Girls Lost Their Accents. (Critical Insights). Salem Press, 2021.
Articles and Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Acosta, Yanitza, R. Benny Gerber, and Mychel E. Varner. "Oxidation Mechanism of Ammonia in Water Clusters." Molecular Physics 119.21-22 (2021)., doi:10.1080/00268976.2021.1983057.
Alabbad, Amal, Divya Anantharaman, and Suresh Govindaraj. "Depositor Characteristics and the Performance of Islamic Banks." Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 36.3 (2021): 643-66., doi:10.1177/0148558X20916338.
Alstete, Jeffrey W., Heidi Flavian, Krassie Petrova. "Guest Editorial." Quality Assurance in Education: An International Perspective 29.4 (2021): 329-331., doi:10.1108/QAE-08-2021-0123
Alstete, Jeffrey W., John P. Meyer and Nicholas J. Beutell. "Enriching Management Learning with Differentiated Instruction." International Journal of Educational Management 35.3 (2021): 640-54., doi:10.1108/IJEM-06-2020-0312.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. and Nicholas J. Beutell. "Delivery Mode and Strategic Management Simulation Outcomes: On-ground Versus Distance Learning." Journal of International Education in Business 14.1 (2021): 77-92., doi:10.1108/JIEB-08-2019-0041.
Altinay, Zeynep, Eric Rittmeyer, Lauren L. Morris, and Margaret A. Reams. "Public Risk Salience of Sea Level Rise in Louisiana, United States." Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 11.4 (2021): 523-36., doi:10.1007/s13412-020-00642-5.
Alvarado, Ryan, Maia Averett, Benjamin Gaines, Christopher Jackson, Mary Leah Karker, Malgorzata Aneta Marciniak, Francis Su, and Shanise Walker. "The Game of Cycles." The American Mathematical Monthly 128.10 (2021): 868-87., doi:10.1080/00029890.2021.1979715.
Bai, Bing, Neena Gopalan, Nicholas Beutell and Fang Ren. "Impact of Absolute and Relative Commute Time on Work-Family Conflict: Work Schedule Control, Child Care Hours, and Life Satisfaction." Journal of Family and Economic Issues 42.2 (2021): 586-600., doi:10.1007/s10834-021-09752-w.
Barry, Galen. "Spinoza on Counterpossible Inferences." Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102.1 (2021): 27-50., doi:10.1111/papq.12331.
Barry, Galen. "Spinoza on the Resistance of Bodies." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 86 (2021): 56-67., doi:10.1016/j.shpsa.2021.02.001.
Beutell, Nicholas J., Jeffrey W. Alstete, Joy A. Schneer, and Marianne M. O'Hare. "Generational Differences in Self-Employment: Work Characteristics, Health, Work-Family, and Satisfaction." International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 43.3 (2021): 363-383.
Beutell, Nicholas J. and Joy A. Schneer. "Working Beyond Retirement: Are There Gender Differences in Bridge Employment?" Ageing International 46.1 (2021): 1-16., doi:10.1007/s12126-020-09363-0.
Beutell, Nicholas J. and Neena Gopalan. "Pathways to Work-Family Synergy: Resources, Affect and Wellbeing." Journal of Family Studies 27 (2021): 556-72., doi:10.1080/13229400.2019.1656664.
Bibler, Trevor M., Alison Suen. "Determination of Brain Death." JAMA 325.5 (2021): 493-494., doi:10.1001/jama.2020.23231
Câmara, Ana, and Oleg Petrenko. "The Influence of Diversity and Employee Relations on Corporate Philanthropy and Performance." Business and Society Review 126.4 (2021): 407-31., doi:10.1111/basr.12245.
Dangerfield, Derek T., Irene Kuo, Manya Magnus, Geetha Beauchamp, Sheldon D. Fields, LaRon Nelson, Steven Shoptaw, Leo Wilton, and Darrell P. Wheeler. "Sexual Risk Profiles Among Black Sexual Minority Men: Implications for Targeted PrEP Messaging." Archives of Sexual Behavior 50.7 (2021): 2947-54., doi:10.1007/s10508-021-02066-w
Egelberg, Jacob, Nina Pena, Rachel Rivera, and Christina Andruk. "Assessing the Geographic Specificity of pH Prediction by Classification and Regression Trees." PLoS One 16.8 (2021)., doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0255119.
Evans, Karoline, Bret Sanner and Chia-Yen (Chad) Chiu. "Shared Leadership, Unshared Burdens: How Shared Leadership Structure Schema Lowers Individual Enjoyment Without Increasing Performance." Group & Organization Management 46.6 (2021): 1027-72., doi:10.1177/1059601121997225.
Gao, Ning and Uyen Tran. "Sustainable Development News and Stock Market Reaction: Evidence from the 2017 Newsweek Green Ranking Release." Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 28.1 (2021): 419-426., doi:10.1002/csr.2058.
Hamerman, Eric, Anubhav Aggarwal, and Lauren Mayor Poupis. "Generalized Self-Efficacy and Compliance with Health Behaviours Related to COVID-19 in the US." Psychology & Health (2021)., doi:10.1080/08870446.2021.1994969.
Howerton-Fox, Amanda, Michelle A. Veyvoda, Hannah Park, and Julia Silvestri. "Teaching Literacy through Movement: A Transformative Partnership." Odyssey: New Directions to Deaf Education 22 (2021-2022): 20-4.
Kossek, Ellen Ernst, Matthew Perrigrino, and Alyson Gounden Rock. "From Ideal Workers to Ideal Work for All: A 50-year Review Integrating Careers and Work-Family Research with a Future Research Agenda." Journal of Vocational Behavior 126 (2021)., doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2020.103504.
Lee, Christopher, Sinéad G. Ruane, Hyoun Sook Lim, Ruoqing Zhang, and Heechang Shin. "Exploring the Behavioral Intention to Use Collaborative Commerce: A Case of Uber." Journal of International Technology and Information Management 30.4 (2021): 112-38.
Leon, Joshua K. "The Global Governance of Housing: 1945-2016." Planning Perspectives 36.3 (2021): 475-94., doi:10.1080/02665433.2020.1803120.
Levine, Olivia B., Mary Jane Skelly, et al. "The Paraventricular Thalamus Provides a Polysynaptic Brake on Limbic CRJ Neurons to Sex-dependently Blunt Binge Alcohol Drinking and Avoidance Behavior in Mice." Nature Communications 12, 5080 (2021)., doi:10.1038/s41467-021-25368-y.
Li, He, Sungjin Yoo, and William J. Kettinger. "The Roles of IT Strategies and Security Investments in Reducing Organizational Security Breaches." Journal of Management Information Systems 38.1 (2021): 222-45., doi:10.1080/07421222.2021.1870390.
Liguori, Eric W., Christoph Winkler, Lee J. Zane, Jeff Muldoon, and Doan Winkel. "COVID-19 and Necessity-based Online Entrepreneurship Education at US Community Colleges." Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 28.6 (2021): 821-30, doi:10.1108/JSBED-09-2020-0340.
Lyle, Timothy. "The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study by Stefano Harney and Fred Moten (Review)." CLA Journal 64.1 (2021): 174-78., doi:10.1353/caj.2021.0012
Mahoney, Danielle J., Lenin Grajo and Glen Gillen. "Content Validity of the Occupational Therapy Anticipatory Awareness Test: A Functional Cognitive Assessment for Adults with Neurological Conditions." The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy 9.1 (2021)., doi:10.15453/2168-6408.1740.
Munsch, Alison, Charles Cante, and Jason Diffenderfer. "Higher Education Advertising Expenditures' Impact on the Key Performance Indicator of New Enrollments Using Information Systems and Business Analytics." Journal of International Technology and Information Management 30.5 (2021).
Muzzio, Michelle, Sue Ellen Evangelista, Jacqueline Denver, Maria Lopez, and Sunghee Lee. "Project Symphony: A Biophysics Research Experience at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution." The Biophysicist 2.1 (2021): 1-5., doi:10.35459/tbp.2019.000135.
Paffenroth, Kim. "The Passion(s) of King Lear at the New Spruce Theater." The Shakespeare Newsletter 70.1 (2021).
Paffenroth, Kim. "Review of Richard Grigg, Science Fiction and the Imitation of the Sacred." Journal of Moral Theology 10.2 (2021): 274-6.
Paffenroth, Kim. "Review of Sam Gold's King Lear (2019)." The Shakespeare Newsletter 70.2 (2021).
Patten, Daniel, Josh R. Klein. "The Military's Cultural Shroud: Media Influence on War Knowledge among Civilians and Military Personnel." Journal of Political & Military Sociology 48.1 (2021): 37-72., doi:10.5744/jpms.2021.1006
Perrigino, Matthew B., Hongzhi Chen, Benjamin B. Dunford and Benjamin R. Pratt. "If We See, Will We Agree? Unpacking the Complex Relationship Between Stimuli and Team Climate Strength." Academy of Management Annals 15.1 (2021)., doi:10.5465/annals.2019.0067.
Poupis, Lauren Mayor, Dan Rubin, and Lama Lteif. "Turn Up the Volume If You're Feeling Lonely: The Effect of Mobile Application Sound on Consumer Outcomes." Journal of Business Research 126 (2021): 263-78., doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.12.062.
Qayyum, Arif, and Walayet A. Khan. "Impact of Global Residential Real Estate on Portfolio Diversification." Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 27.2 (2021): 149-65., doi:10.1080/10835547.2021.2003531.
Robinson, James. "The Age of Rosemary's: Thomas Merton's Engagement with Rosemary Radford Ruether and Rosemary Haughton." Merton Annual 34 (2021): 120-8.
Said, Muhammad, Ximei Kong, Shahab E. Saqib, and Nicholas J. Beutell. "Entrepreneurial Income and Wellbeing: Women's Informal Entrepreneurship in a Developing Context." Sustainability 13.18 (2021)., doi:10.3390/su131810262.
Said, Muhammad, Ximej Kong, Shahab E. Saqib, and Nicholas J. Beutell. "Women's Home-based Entrepreneurship and Family Financial Position in Pakistan." Sustainability 13.22 (2021)., doi:10.3390/su132212542.
Shafer, Valerie L., Sarah Kresh, Kikuyo Ito, Miwako Hisagi, Nancy Vidal, Eve Higby, Daniela Castillo, and Winifred Strange. "The Neural Timecourse of American English Vowel Discrimination by Japanese, Russian and Spanish Second-language Learners of English." Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24.4 (2021): 642-55., doi:10.1017/S1366728921000201.
Smith, Catherine. "Happiness, Competition, and Not Necessarily Arrogance in Kant." Kant-Studien 112.3 (2021): 400-25., doi:10.1515/kant-2021-0022.
Svoboda, Katrina and Yaliu He. "Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy: Through the Lens of Early Career Professionals [Book Review]." Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 47.4 (2021): 1008-9., doi:10.1111/jmft.12511.
Trejo-Pech, Carlos Omar, NyoNyo A. Kwa, and Wei He. "Capital Structure Adjustment Behavior of Listed Firms on the Mexican Stock Exchange." Journal of Economics & Finance 45.4 (2021): 573-95., doi:10.1007/s12197-021-09555-7.
Trejo-Pech, Carlos O., Sharon V. Thach, Jada M. Thompson, and John Manley. "Violations of Standard Practice by Predatory Economics Journals." Serials Review 47.2 (2021): 80-89., doi:10.1080/00987913.2021.1959183.
Waller, Robyn Repko. "Weighing in on Decisions in the Brain: Neural Representations of Pre-awareness Practical Intention." Synthese 199.1-2 (2021): 5175-203., doi:10.1007/s11229-020-03020-4.
Weaver, Rasheda L. "Putting the Commercial in Social Enterprise Education: Employing the For-profit to Nonprofit Business Model in the Classroom." Journal of Community Engagement & Higher Education 13.2 (2021): 5-15.
Whitfield, Darren L., Geetha Beauchamp, Sheldon Fields, LaRon Nelson, Manya Mangus, Jagadisa-devasri Dacus, Jonathan Paul, Peter Anders and Darrell Wheeler. "Risk Compensation in HIV PrEP Adherence among Black Men who have Sex with Men in HPTN 073 Study." AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 33.5 (2021): 633-38., doi:10.1080/09540121.2020.1810618.
Winkler, Christoph, Alexander Fust, and Tobias Jenert. "From Entrepreneurial Experience to Expertise: A Self-regulated Learning Perspective." Journal of Small Business Management (2021)., doi:10.1080/00472778.2021.1883041.
Winkler, Christoph, Doan Winkel, Julienne Shields, Dennis Barber III, Donna Levin, and Lee J. Zane. "Editorial: Special Issue on Interdisciplinary and Experiential Entrepreneurship Education." Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 4.2 (2021): 96-9., doi:10.1177/2515127421992519.
Winkler, Christoph, Lendynette Pacheco-Jorge and Jarlyne Batista Monzon. "Iona College Hynes Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation." Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (2021).
Wong-Goodrich, Sarah, and Julia Kearney. "Strenuous Exercise Habits and Spatial Mnemonic Discrimination Ability in Young Adult Men and Women." Perceptual and Motor Skills 128.5 (2021): 2346-66., doi.10.1177/00315125211038732.
Wood, Megan, Michael Morales, Elizabeth Miller, Samuel Brazile, Joseph Giancaspro, Patrick Scollan, Juan Rosario, Alyssa Gayapa, Michael Krmic, and Sunghee Lee. "Ibuprofen and the Phosphatidylcholine Bilayer: Membrane Water Permeability in the Presence and Absence of Cholesterol." Langmuir 37.15 (2021): 4468-80., doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c03638.
Wright, Bernadette, Sunghee Lee, Katherine Zaromatidis, and Oksana Huk. "Increasing Retention of STEM Students with Financial Need via the NSF S-STEM DESIRE Scholarship." Journal of STEM Education 22.4 (2021): 24-38.
Yoo, Sungjin, He Li, and Zhuo Xu. "Can I Talk to an Online Doctor? Understanding the Mediating Effect of Trust on Patients' Online Health Consultation." Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 31.1 (2021)., doi:10.1080/10919392.2020.1834810.
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