Faculty Authors
Songs of My Moods by Harry Altman; Ira Altman (editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 839.09 A 468ISBN: 0595220223Publication Date: 2002A Concise History of the Armenian People by George A. Bournoutian
Call Number: Faculty Author 909.049 B 775ISBN: 1568591411Publication Date: 2002-03-01- The Soul of the People: Commemorating the Shoah: an Exhibition of the Works of Holocaust Survivor Alice Lok Cahana with a Series of Special Programs: Iona College, February 24-April 7, 2002 by Alice Lok Cahana; Elena Procario-Foley (editor)Call Number: Faculty Author 704.949 S 722Publication Date: 2002
- Understanding Racial and Ethnic Groups by William EgelmanCall Number: Faculty Author 305.8 E 29ISBN: 0205333524Publication Date: 2002
- Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems. Volume III by Kurt J. Engemann (editor); George E. Lasker (editor)Call Number: Faculty Author 658.403 I 614 v.3ISBN: 1894613473Publication Date: 2002
Managing New Enterprises by Donald Grunewald
Call Number: Faculty Author 658.11 G 891ISBN: 0773471502Publication Date: 2002As the Earth Turns by Jerome Levkov
Call Number: Faculty Author 577.27 L 666ISBN: 0787295833Publication Date: 2002The Merchant of Venice by John W. Mahon (Editor); Ellen Macleod Mahon (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 822.33 M 4maISBN: 0415929997Publication Date: 2002- An Intellectual History of the Compstat Model of Police Management by Paul E. O'ConnellCall Number: Faculty Author 363.2 O182Publication Date: 2002Includes accompanying CD-ROM
Book Chapters
Engemann, Kurt J., Holmes E. Miller, and Ronald R. Yager. "A Framework for Specifying Summary Statistics." Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems. Volume III. Windsor: International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 2002. Faculty Author 658.403 I 614 v.3
Keefe, Maryellen. "Isolation to Communion: A Reading of The Merchant of Venice." The Merchant of Venice: New Critical Essays. New York: Routledge, 2002. Faculty Author 822.33 M 4ma
Mahon, John W. "Fortunes of The Merchant of Venice From 1596 to 2001." The Merchant of Venice: New Critical Essays. New York: Routledge, 2002. Faculty Author 822.33 M 4ma
Short, Hugh. "Shylock is Content: A Study in Salvation." The Merchant of Venice: New Critical Essays. New York: Routledge, 2002. Faculty Author 822.33 M 4ma
Articles & Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts, if available, are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "On Becoming an Entrepreneur: An Evolving Typology." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 8.4 (2002): 222-34. [Abstract only.]
Atanassov, K., Gabriella Pasi, and R. Yager. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Interpretations of Multi-Person Multi-Criteria Decision Making." 2002 First International IEEE Symposium "Intelligent Systems": Proceedings: September 10-12, 2002, St. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria. Vol. 1 Sofia: IEEE, 2002. 115-9. [Abstract only.]
Baron, Philip and Donald Grunewald. "Beacon Art Center and Institute." International Journal of Value-Based Management 15.2 (2002): 179-89.
Basile, Anthony and Jill D'Aquila. "An Experimental Analysis of Computer-Mediated Instruction and Student Attitudes in a Principles of Financial Accounting Course." Journal of Education for Business 77.3 (2002): 137-43.
Bean, David F. and Richard A. Bernardi. "Performance on the Major Field Test in Business: The Explanatory Power of SAT Scores and Gender." Journal of Private Enterprise 17.2 (2002): 172-8.
Bernandi, Richard A., and David F. Bean. "Signaling Gender Diversity through Annual Report Pictures: A Research Note on Image Management." Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 15.4 (2002): 609-16.
Braunstein, Andrew W. "Factors Determining Success in a Graduate Business Program." College Student Journal 36.3 (2002): 471-7.
Carroll, James T. "Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs in America by Gurinder Singh Mann, Paul David Numrich, and Raymond Williams [Book Review]." The History Teacher 36.1 (2002): 137.
Ciardiello, A. Vincent. "Helping Adolescent Understand Cause/Effect Text Structure in Social Studies." The Social Studies 93.1 (2002): 31-6.
Detyniecki, Marcin, Ronald R. Yager, and Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier. "Reducing T-norms and Augmenting T-conorms." International Journal of General Systems 31.3 (2002): 265-76.
Ford, Joseph W. and Charles F. O'Donnell. "Key Personalities in the Evolution of the Council of Economic Advisors." National Social Science Journal 19.1 (2002): 28-35.
Francis, John D. "Determining Ownership Positions in Acquisitions: Market and Strategic Influences on Investments in European Targets." Academy of Management Proceedings & Membership Directory 2002: A1-A6.
Gallagher, John. "Schooled to Work: Vocationalism and the American Curriculum, 1876–1946 [Book Review]." Educational Studies 33.1 (2002).
Goldsby, Dianne S. and Barbara Cozza. "Writing Samples to Understand Mathematical Thinking." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7.9 (2002): 517-20.
Grunewald, Donald and Philip Baron. "Acme Vending." Cross Cultural Management 9.4 (2002): 5-18.
Grunewald, Donald and Philip Baron. "St. Wolfgang College's Health." International Journal of Value-Based Management 15.2 (2002): 165-77.
Grunwald, C., J. Stabile, J.R. Waldman, R. Gross, and I. Wirgin. "Population Genetics of Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum based on Mitochondrial DNA Control Region Sequences." Molecular Ecology 11.10 (2002): 1885-98.
Haber, Jeffry. "Re-Defining Accounting Concepts: A New Definition of Land." The American Academy of Business Journal 1.2 (2002): 276-77.
Haber, Jeffry. "Litigation Contingencies: What Auditors Need To Know, What Lawyers Are Willing To Provide and What Gets Reported." The American Academy of Business Journal 1.2 (2002): 245-61.
Hilford, Andy, Murray Glanzer, Kisok Kim, and Lawrence T. DeCarlo. "Regularities of Source Recognition: ROC Analysis." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 131.4 (2002): 494-510.
Ivanov, Lubomir. "Integrating Formal Verification into Computer Organization and Architecture Courses." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 17.3 (2002): 115-24.
Ivanov, Lubomir. "Modeling and Verification of a Pipelined CPU." The 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems : conference proceedings : August 4-7, 2002, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Vol. 3. Piscataway: IEEE, 2002. 417-20. [Abstract only.]
Ivanov, Lubomir and M. Shute. "SPPV: A New Formal Verification Environment." The 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems : conference proceedings : August 4-7, 2002, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Vol. 1. Piscataway: IEEE, 2002. 156-9. [Abstract only.]
Maher, Vincent F. and Joseph Ford. "The Heartbreak of Parens Patriae." JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 4.1 (2002): 18-22.
Mariola, Elena and John Manley. "Teaching Finance Concepts in a Distance Learning Environment--A Personal Note." Journal of Education for Business 77.3 (2002): 177-80.
Moscato, Donald R. "The Global Race to Compliance: Information Privacy in an Electronic-Commerce Framework." Communications of the International Information Management Association 2.4 (2002).
Novak, Robert E., Michael J. Mumma, Michael A. DiSanti, Neil Dello Russo, and Karen Magee-Sauer. "Mapping of Ozone and Water in the Atmosphere of Mars near the 1997 Aphelion." Icarus 158.1 (2002): 14-23. [Abstract only.]
O'Donnell, Charles F., John Manley, Eleni Mariola, and Joseph Ford. "The Diversification of the Old-age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund." National Social Science Perspectives Journal (2002).
O'Donnell, Charles F., Joseph W. Ford, and Irene M. Hammerbacher. "The Supplemental Security Income: An Evaluation after 26 Years." National Social Science Journal 18.1 (2002): 130-6.
Oswald, Patricia A. "The Interactive Effects of Affective Demeanor, Cognitive Processes, and Perspective-Taking Focus on Helping Behavior." Journal of Social Psychology 142.1 (2002): 120-32.
Procario-Foley, Elena G. and David F. Bean. "Institutions of Higher Education: Cornerstones in Building Ethical Organizations." Teaching Business Ethics 6.1 (2002): 101.
Ricardo, Catherine and Frances Bailie. "The Maze of Re-Certification and Accreditation: A Small College Perspective." Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2002. Chesapeake: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2002. 773-7.
Rozich, R., T. Ioerger, and R. Yager. "FURL-A Theory Revision Approach to Learning Fuzzy Rules." Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems: FUZZ-IEEE'02: May 12-17, 2002, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vol. 2. Piscataway: IEEE, 2002. 791-6. [Abstract only.]
Salamone, Frank A. "The Dramatic Art of Athol Fugard: From South Africa to the World [Book Review]." Africa Today 49.4 (2002): 154-5.
Shetty, Anand. "The Asian Financial Crisis and India." Finance India 16.2 (2002): 541-55.
Shetty, Anand and Fredrica Rudell. "Internationalizing the Business Program--A Perspective of a Small School." Journal of Education for Business 78.2 (2002): 103-10.
Waldman, J.R., C. Grunwald, J. Stabile, and I. Wirgin. "Impacts of Life History and Biogeography on the Genetic Stock Structure of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, Gulf Sturgeon A. oxyrinchus desotoi, and Shortnose Sturgeon A. brevirostrum." Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18.4-6 (2002): 509-18.
Wirgin, I., J. Waldman, J. Stabile, B. Lubinski, and T. King. "Comparison of Mitochondrial DNA Control Region Sequence and Microsatellite DNA Analyses in Estimating Population Structure and Gene Flow Rates in Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus." Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18.4-6 (2002): 313-9.
Yager, Ronald R. "Defending against Strategic Manipulation in Uninorm-Based Multi-Agent Decision Making." European Journal of Operational Research 141.1 (2002): 217-232. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Heavy OWA Operators." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1.4 (2002): 379-97.
Yager, Ronald R. "The Induced Fuzzy Integral Aggregation Operator." International Journal of Intelligent Systems 17.11 (2002): 1049-65. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Nonmonotonicity and Compatibility Relations in Belief Structures." Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 34.1-3 (2002): 161-76. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Cardinality Index and Attitudinal Character of Fuzzy Measures." International Journal of General Systems 31.3 (2002): 303-29.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Evaluation of Uncertain Courses of Action." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1.1 (2002): 13.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Instantiation of Possibility Distributions." Fuzzy Sets & Systems 128.2 (2002): 261-6. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Valuation of Alternatives for Decision-Making under Uncertainty." International Journal of Intelligent Systems 17.7 (2002): 687-707. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Prototype Reasoning and Knowledge Creation Using Granular Objects." Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems : FUZZ-IEEE'02 : May 12-17, 2002, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vol. 1. Piscataway: IEEE, 2002. 680-4. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Querying Databases Containing Multivalued Attributes Using Veristic Variables." Fuzzy Sets & Systems 129.2 (2002): 163-85. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Uncertainty Representation Using Fuzzy Measures." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics. 32.1 (2002): 13-20. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Using a Notion of Acceptable in Uncertain Ordinal Decision Making." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems 10.3 (2002): 241-56.
Yager, Ronald R. "Using Fuzzy Methods to Model Nearest Neighbor Rules." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics. 32.4 (2002): 512-25. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R., and Gabriella Pasi. "A Consumer Decision Support System for Internet Shopping." Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems: FUZZ-IEEE'02: May 12-17, 2002, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vol. 2. Piscatawny: IEEE, 2002. 1286-91. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. and Vladik Kreinovich. "Main Ideas behind OWA Lead to a Universal and Optimal Approximation Scheme." 2002 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society: Proceedings: NAFTIS-FLINT 2002: June 27-29, 2002, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana. Piscataway: IEEE, 2002. 428-33.
Encyclopedia Entries
Berlage, Gai Ingham. "Lynette Woodard." Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Thematic Series: Sports Figures. Vol. 2. Scribner's: New York, 2002. 511-13.
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