Faculty Authors
Augustine and World Religions by Brian Brown (Editor); John A. Doody (Editor); Kim Paffenroth (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 261.2 A 923ISBN: 073912580XPublication Date: 2008Augustine and History by Christopher T. Daly (Editor); John Doody (Editor); Kim Paffenroth (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 937.09 A 923ISBN: 0739122703Publication Date: 2008- Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. IX by Kurt J. Engemann (ed.); George E. Lasker (ed.)ISBN: 9781897233269Publication Date: 2008
Public Relations: A Primer for Business Executives by Donald Grunewald; Robert J. Petrausch; Giri Dua
Call Number: Faculty Author 659.2 G 8915ISBN: 1440101671Publication Date: 2008Mosh the Polls by Tony Kelso (Editor); Brian Cogan (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 324 M 911ISBN: 0739122304Publication Date: 2008All the Presidents' Spokesmen by Woody Klein
Call Number: Faculty Author 973.91 K 64ISBN: 0275990982Publication Date: 2008American Pragmatism and Democratic Faith by Robert J. Lacey
Call Number: Faculty Author 320.011 L 131ISBN: 0875803792Publication Date: 2008As the Earth Turns by Jerome Levkov
Call Number: Faculty Author 577.27 L 666-1ISBN: 0757550789Publication Date: 2008- Arrows through Achievement by Nancy J. Perry LopesCall Number: Faculty Author 813.6 P 464ISBN: 0615375731Publication Date: 2008
Dying to Live: Life Sentence by Kim Paffenroth
Call Number: Faculty Author 813.6 P 127LISBN: 1934861111Publication Date: 2008Exercise Science by Warren Rosenberg; Ciaran Cullen
Call Number: Faculty Author 613.71 R 813-1ISBN: 0757557260Publication Date: 2008Italians in Rochester, New York by Frank A. Salamone; Stephen D. Glazier (Foreword by)
Call Number: Faculty Author 974.7 S 159iISBN: 0773452303Publication Date: 2008The Lucy Memorial Freed Slaves' Home by Virginia A. Salamone; Frank A. Salamone
Call Number: Faculty Author 266.023 S 159ISBN: 0761838910Publication Date: 2008Job Satisfaction: A Study of High School Teachers in an Era of Reform by Malissa A. Scheuring-Leipold
Call Number: Faculty Author 373.11 S 328ISBN: 3639076494Publication Date: 2008A Moon for the Misbegotten on the American Stage by Laura Shea
Call Number: Faculty Author 812.52 S 539ISBN: 0786435631Publication Date: 2008Understanding Philosophy by Kenneth Shouler
Call Number: Faculty Author 100 S 559ISBN: 1598696106Publication Date: 2008How Presidents Use Polls by Jeanne Zaino
Call Number: Faculty Author 303.38 Z 21ISBN: 3639092058Publication Date: 2008
Book Chapters
Kelso, Tony. "And Now No Word from Our Sponsor." It's Not TV: Watching HBO in the Post-Television Era. Ed. Marc Leverette, Brian L. Ott, and Cara Louise Buckley. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Miller, Holmes E. and Kurt J. Engemann. "A Supply Chain Simulation to Examine the Effects of Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Strategies." Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Volume IX. Windsor: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 2008.
Stillwaggon, James. "Looking Backwards and Forwards: Arendt and Plato on Philosophy in Human Traditions." Conversations in Philosophy: Crossing the Boundaries. Ed. F Ochieng'-Odhiambo, Roxanne Burton, and Ed Brandon. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2008.
Articles & Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts, if available, are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Aldredge, Marcus. "(Re)constructing and Negotiating the South as Other: Southern Food Restaurants in New York City." International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research 2.2 (2008): 152-69.
Allen, David. "On the Homotopy Group of Toric Spaces." Homology, Homotopy & Applications 10.1 (2008): 437-479.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "Aspects of Entrepreneurial Success." Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 15.3 (2008): 584-594.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "Measurement Benchmarks or "Real" Benchmarking?: An Examination of Current Perspectives." Benchmarking 15.2 (2008): 178-186.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "The Next Generation of Corporate Universities: Innovative Approaches for Developing and Expanding Organizational Capabilities, ed. Mark Allen [Review]." Review of Higher Education 31 (2008): 505-506.
Altschuller, Shoshana, and Raquel Benbunan-Fich. "In Search of Trust for Newly Formed Virtual Disaster Recovery Teams." International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 8 (2008): 383-400.
Beutell, Nicholas J., and Ursula Wittig-Berman. "Work-family Conflict and Work-family Synergy for Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Matures: Generational Differences, Predictors, and Satisfaction Outcomes." Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (2008): 507-523.
Braunstein, Andrew W., Mary H. Lesser, and Donn R. Pescatrice. "The Impact of a Program for the Disadvantaged on Student Retention." College Student Journal 42.1 (2008): 36-40.
Bournoutian, George A. "The Sword of Persia: Nader Shah from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant [Book Review]." American Historical Review 113.2 (2008): 614.
Breslin, Jack. "The Authentic Voice: The Best Reporting on Race and Ethnicity [Book Review]." Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23.1 (2008): 73-5.
Breslin, Jack. "Using Movies as Teaching Tools [Book Review]." Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23.2 (2008): 176-177.
Carroll, James. "The Boundaries between Us: Natives and Newcomers along the Frontiers of the Old Northwest Territory, ed. Daniel Barr [Review]." Michigan Historical Review 34 (2008): 151-152.
Carroll, James. "The Land Beyond: Italian Migrants in the Westward Movement [Book Review]." Catholic Southwest 19 (2008): 90-91.
D’Aversa, Teresa G., Eliseo A. Eugenin, and Joan W. Berman. "CD40-CD40 Ligand Interactions in Human Microglia Induce CXCL8 (Interleuin-8) Secretion by a Mechanism Dependent on Activation of ERK1/2 and Nuclear Translocation of Nuclear Factor-kB (NFkB) and Activator Protein-1 (AP-1)." Journal of Neuroscience Research 86.3 (2008): 630-639. [Abstract only.]
Deignan, Kathleen. "'Love for the Paradise Mystery'--Thomas Merton: Contemplative Ecologist." Cross Currents 58.4 (2008): 545-69.
Dunn, Matthew W.I. "Book Review: Inter-Religious Dialogue." Irish Theological Quarterly 73 (2008): 410.
Goldstein, Adam M. "Endless Forms Most Beautiful and Most Wonderful." Evolution: Education and Outreach 1.2 (2008): 104-106.
Goldstein, Adam M. "Evolution by Example." Evolution: Education and Outreach 1.2 (2008): 165-171.
Gratzer, William, and James E. Carpenter. "The Histogram-Area Connection." Mathematics Teacher 102.5 (2008): 336-340.
Gratzer, William, and Srilal Krishnan. "Technology and X [to the xth power]." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 39.7 (2008): 952-960.
Grunewald, Donald. "The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Will Change the Governance of Non Profit Organizations." Journal of Business Ethics 80.3 (2008): 399-401.
Grunwald, Cheryl, Lorraine Maceda, John Waldman, Joseph Stabile, and Isaac Wirgin. "Conservation of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus: Delineation of Stock Structure and Distinct Population Segments." Conservation Genetics 9.5 (2008): 1111-1124. [Abstract only.]
Haber, Jeffry. "Optimal Spending in a Private Foundation Given Known Parameters." Journal of Business and Economics Research 6.4 (2008): 63-66.
Haber, Jeffry, and Andrew Braunstein. "Correlation of Uncorrelated Asset Classes." Journal of International Business and Economy 9.2 (2008): 1-12.
Haber, Jeffry, and Andrew Braunstein. "Earnings Quality Ratings and Corporate Governance: A Comparison of Two Models." Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research 3.2 (2008): 44-56.
Haber, Jeffry, and Andrew Braunstein. "Earnings Quality Ratings and Corporate Governance: Do Companies with Good Governance Have Financial Statements That Better Reflect Reality?" Journal of International Business and Economy 9.1 (2008): 1-12.
Halpern, David, Patrick J. Reville, and Donald Grunewald. "Management and Legal Issues Regarding Electronic Surveillance of Employees in the Workplace." Journal of Business Ethics 80.2 (2008): 175-180.
Ivanov, Lubomir, Haldun Hadimioglu, and Mark Hoffman. "A New Look at Parallel Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 23.5 (2008): 176-9.
Jantzen, Robert. "Improving Public High Schools: Evidence from New York." International Advances in Economic Research 14.1 (2008): 101-108.
Jordan, Michael. "Intelligently Discussing Design: Jones and Reiss’s Teaching about Scientific Origins: Taking Account of Creationism." Evolution: Education and Outreach 1 (2008): 536-540.
Langbert, Mitchell, Michael Stanchina, and Donald Grunewald. "Howard Roark and the Ghost of Admiral Rickover." Cross Cultural Management 15.2 (2008): 194.216.
LoPachin, Richard M., David S. Barber, and Terrence Gavin. "Molecular Mechanisms of the Conjugated α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Derivatives: Relevance to Neurotoxicity and Neurodegenerative Diseases." Toxicological Sciences 104.2 (2008): 235-249.
LoPachin, Richard M., and Terrence Gavin. "Acrylamide-Induced Nerve Terminal Damage: Relevance to Neurotoxic and Neurodegenerative Mechanisms." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56.15 (2008): 5994-6003.
LoPachin, Richard M., and Terrence Gavin. "Response to 'Paraquat: The Red Herring of Parkinson's Disease Research.'" Toxicological Sciences 103.1 (2008): 219-221.
LoPachin, Richard M., Terrence Gavin, and David S. Barber. "Type-2 Alkenes Mediate Synaptotoxicity in Neurodegenerative Diseases." NeuroToxicology 29.5 (2008): 871-882.
Meyer, John P. "Globalization and Cultural Imperialism: Corporate Control versus Responsiveness." Journal of International Business and Economy 9 (2008): 113-136.
Meyer, John P., and Theodore Schwartz. "The Metaphor Matrix: Improving the Usage of Metaphor in Management Education." Journal of the American Academy of Business 13.2 (2008): 37-44.
Miller, Holmes E. and Kurt J. Engemann. "A Monte Carlo Simulation Model of Supply Chain Risk Due to Natural Disasters." International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 8.4 (2008): 460-480.
Mussio, Thomas E. "Metamorphosis: The Changing Face of Ovid in Medieval and Early Modern Europe [Book Review]." Quaderni d'italianistica 29.2 (2008): 167-170.
O'Connell, Paul E. "The Chess Master's Game: A Model for Incorporating Local Police Agencies in the Fight against Global Terrorism." Policing 31.3 (2008): 456-465.
Perricone, Christopher. "Shakespeare’s Procreation Sonnets: A Darwinian View." Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 9.3 (2008).
Procario-Foley, Elena. "Jesus Our Salvation: An Introduction to Christology, by Christopher McMahon [Review]." Horizons: Journal of the College Theology Society 35 (2008): 391.
Reformat, Marek, and Ronald R. Yager. "Building Ensemble Classifiers Using Belief Functions and OWA Operators." Soft Computing 12.6 (2008): 543-558. [Abstract only.]
Richardson, Robert J. "Quality Survey Problems." Proceedings for the Northeast Region Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) 2008: 667-672.
Romaniuk, Peter, and Jeffry Haber. "Charities and Terrorist Financing." CPA Journal 78.3 (2008): 48-50.
Schumaker, Robert P. and Hsinchun Chen. "Evaluating a News-Aware Quantitative Trader: The Effect of Momentum and Contrarian Stock Selection Strategies." Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology 59.2 (2008): 247-255.
Stillwaggon, James. "The Mined Mind: Domination, Desire, and Melancholy in The Corn Is Green." Philosophy of Education Yearbook (2008): 380-388.
Stillwaggon, James. "Performing for the Students: Teaching Identity and the Pedagogical Relation." Journal of the Philosophy of Education 42.1 (2008): 67-83.
Verdegay, José, Ronald R. Yager, and Piero Bonissone. "On Heuristics as a Fundamental Constituent of Soft Computing." Fuzzy Sets & Systems 159.7 (2008): 846-855.
Villanueva, Geronimo L., Michael Mumma, Robert E. Novak, and Tilak Hewagama. "Discovery of multiple bands of isotopic CO2 in the prime spectral regions used when searching for CH4 and HDO on Mars." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 109.6 (2008): 883-894.
Villanueva, Geronimo L., Michael Mumma, Robert E. Novak, and Tilak Hewagama. "Identification of a New Band System of Isotopic CO2 near 3.3 μm: Implications for Remote Sensing of Biomarker Gases on Mars." Icarus 195.1 (2008): 34-44.
Wainwright, Robert. "Arithmetic Challenge." Journal of Recreational Mathematics 36.3 (2008): 267.
Wainwright, Robert. "Arithmetic Challenge [Solution]." Journal of Recreational Mathematics 37.3 (2008): 264-265.
Wolfson, Gene. "Using Audiobooks to Meet the Needs of Adolescent Readers." American Secondary Education 36.2 (2008): 105-114.
Xu, Zeshui and Ronald R. Yager. "Dynamic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision Making." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48.1 (2008): 246-262.
Yager, Ronald R. "Level Sets and the Extension Principle for Interval Valued Fuzzy Sets and its Application to Uncertainty Measures." Information Sciences 178.18 (2008): 3565-3576.
Yager, Ronald R. "Measures of Specificity over Continuous Spaces under Similarity Relations." Fuzzy Sets & Systems 159.17 (2008): 2193-2220.
Yager, Ronald R. "Prioritized Aggregation Operators." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48.1 (2008): 263-274.
Yager, Ronald R. "S-Mountain Method for Obtaining Focus Points from Data." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems 16.6 (2008): 815-828.
Yager, Ronald R. "Using Trapezoids for Representing Granular Objects: Applications to Learning and OWA Aggregation." Information Sciences 178.3 (2008): 363-380.
Yager, Ronald R. and Dimitar P. Filev. "Summarizing Data Using a Similarity Based Mountain Method." Information Sciences 178.3 (2008): 816-826.
Zaino, Jeanne. "Beyond Transference: The Pedagogical Benefits of Metaphoric Critique and Construction." Journal of Political Science Education 4.3 (2008): 317-329. [Abstract only.]
Encyclopedia Entries
Perricone, Christopher. "Eliot, T.S." American Philosophy : An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge, 2008. 671.
Perricone, Christopher. "Literary Psychology." American Philosophy : An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge, 2008. 468-469.
Perricone, Christopher. "Rice, Philip B." American Philosophy : An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge, 2008. 217-218.
Perricone, Christopher. "Spirit." American Philosophy : An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge, 2008. 734-735.
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