Faculty Authors
College Accreditation by Jeffrey W. Alstete
Call Number: Faculty Author 379.158 A 463cISBN: 1403974209Publication Date: 2007Adventures in Social Research by Earl R. Babbie; Fred Halley; Jeanne Zaino
Call Number: Faculty Author 300.28 B 112ISBN: 1412940834Publication Date: 2007The Best of Laura Pausini: E Ritorno da Te by Elda Buonanno; Laura Pausini
Call Number: Faculty Author 458.3 B 943ISBN: 0979503116Publication Date: 2007La meglio Gioventu by Elda Buonanno
Call Number: Faculty Author 458.3 B 943mISBN: 0978601629Publication Date: 2007Integrated Science by Louis Campisi; Warren Rosenberg; Victor A. Stanionis;
Call Number: Faculty Author 530 C 197-1ISBN: 0757539327Publication Date: 2007Puzzle Them First! by A. Vincent Ciardiello
Call Number: Faculty Author 371.39 C 566ISBN: 0872075818Publication Date: 2007Knowledge, Truth, and Service by Harry M. Dunkak
Call Number: Faculty Author 580.74 D 919ISBN: 0761838392Publication Date: 2007- Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems Volume VIII by Kurt J. Engemann (editor); G.E. Lasker (editor)Call Number: Faculty Author 658.403 I 614 v.8ISBN: 1897233108Publication Date: 2007
- Platero y Nosotros: Estudio Critico by Eduardo LoloCall Number: Faculty Author 861.6 J 612LISBN: 1934804061Publication Date: 2007
Tigranes II and Rome by Hakob Manandyan; George A. Bournoutian
Call Number: Faculty Author 939 M 266ISBN: 1568591667Publication Date: 2007- Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrators Exam Study Guide - Second Edition by Mary Helen McSweeney-Feld (Editor)Call Number: Faculty Author 362.61 N 113ISBN: 0963506471Publication Date: 2007
A Book of Hours by Thomas Merton; Kathleen Deignan (Editor); John Giuliani (Illustrator); James Finley (Foreword by)
Call Number: Merton Wisdom Coll. 242.2 M 575dISBN: 1933495057Publication Date: 2007Social Work and Service Learning by Meryl Nadel; Virginia Majewski ; Marilyn Sullivan-Cosetti
Call Number: Faculty Author 361.307 S 678ISBN: 0742559459Publication Date: 2007Performance-Based Management for Police Organizations by Paul E. O'Connell; Frank Straub
Call Number: Faculty Author 363.2 O 182pISBN: 1577665007Publication Date: 2007The Travel Accounts of Simeon of Poland by Simeon; George A. Bournoutian
Call Number: Faculty Author 915.6 S 589ISBN: 1568591616Publication Date: 2007Our Hispanic Roots: What History Failed to Tell Us by Carlos Vega
Call Number: Faculty Author 973.046 V 42ISBN: 1424165822Publication Date: 2007
Book Chapters
Bauer, Helen Pike. "Eating in the Contact Zone: Food and Identity in Anglo-India." in Consuming Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century: Narratives of Consumption, 1700-1900. Eds. Tamara S. Wagner and Narin Hassan. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007.
Engemann, Kurt J. and Holmes E. Miller. ""Business Continuity Planning Software." Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems. Vol. VIII. Windsor: International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 2007.
Articles & Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts, if available, are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "An Assessment of Knowledge Growth Stages in Organizations." Knowledge Management Research & Practice 5.1 (2007): 54-63.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "Using Comparative Reading Discussions in Online Distance Learning Courses." International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning 4.10 (2007): 51-61.
Bailie, Frances. "How a Technology Grant from the National Academy Foundation Has Begun to Make a Difference for Minority Students in an Urban High School." Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2007. Chesapeake: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2007. 762-9.
Barry, Kevin. "The Efficient Cognitive Process of Moral Relativism and its Connection to Evolutionary Psychology and Neurobiology." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 42 (2007): 74-83.
Berlage, Gai Ingham. "Breaking into Baseball: Women and the National Pastime [Book Review]." Journal of Sport History 34.1 (2007): 145-6.
Beutell, Nicholas. "Self-Employment, Work-Family Conflict and Work-Family Synergy: Antecedents and Consequences." Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 20.4 (2007): 325-334.
Braunstein, Andrew W., Mary Lesser, and Donn R. Pescatrice. "The Impact of a Program for the Disadvantaged on Student Retention." Allied Academies International Conference Academy of Educational Leadership Proceedings 12.1 (2007): 7-10.
Cheng, Wan-Juo. "'Think Globally--Act Locally': A Conversation with Leslie Rebecca Bloom." Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum 19.3 (2007): 55-66. [Abstract only.]
Cheng, Wan-Juo. "Understanding Poverty from the Perspective of Social Justice Activism: Reflections on ''Think Globally--Act Locally': A Conversation with Leslie Rebecca Bloom.'" Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum 19.3 (2007): 67-78. [Abstract only.]
Durner, Aleksey I., Pasquale G. Frisina, and Joan C. Borod. "Anosognosia, Confabulation, and Dreaming: A Neuropsychological Perspective." Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior 43.8 (2007): 1111-1112. [Abstract only.]
Goldstein, Larry. "Kibbutz Tzuba: Meeting the Social and Economic Challenges of a Changing Israeli Society." Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies 13.2 (2007): 59-66.
Ivanov, Lubomir. "The N-body Problem throughout the Computer Science Curriculum." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 22.6 (2007): 43-52.
Kennedy-Nolle, Sharon. "Captain Nemo's questing after American causes: Jules Verne's transatlantic vision of Reconstruction." Comparative American Studies 5.4 (2007): 441.458. [Abstract only.]
Klein, Josh. "Where Should We Stand to Get the Best Perspective on Collective Violence?" Critical Sociology 33:5/6 (2007): 957-980.
LoPachin, Richard M., David S. Barber, Brian C. Geohagen, Terrence Gavin, Deke He, and Soma Das. "Structure-Toxicity Analysis of Type-2 Alkenes: In Vitro Neurotoxicity." Toxicological Sciences 95.1 (2007): 136-146.
LoPachin, Richard M., Terrence Gavin, Brian C. Geohagen, and Soma Das. "Neurotoxic Mechanisms of Electrophilic Type-2 Alkenes: Soft–Soft Interactions Described by Quantum Mechanical Parameters." Toxicological Sciences 98.2 (2007): 561-570.
Newman, Joan, Temi Bidjerano, Asil Ali Özdogru, Chin-Cheng Kao, Çagri Özköse-Biyik, and John J. Johnson. "What Do They Usually Do after School? A Comparative Analysis of Fourth-Grade Children in Bulgaria, Taiwan, and the United States." The Journal of Early Adolescence 27.4 (2007):431-456.
Patota, Nancy, Deborah Schwartz, and Theodore Schwartz. "Leveraging Generational Differences for Productivity Gains." Journal of American Academy of Business 11.2 (2007): 1-10.
Perricone, Christopher. "The Place of Touch in Art." Journal of Aesthetic Education 41.1 (2007): 90-104.
Ponterotto, Joseph G., and Ingrid Grieger. "Effectively Communicating Qualitative Research." The Counseling Psychologist 35.3 (2007): 404-430.
Romaniuk, Peter, Jeffry Haber, and Gary Murray. "Suspicious Activity Reporting." CPA Journal 77.3 (2007): 70-72.
Salamone, Frank. "Hausa Concepts of Masculinity and the 'Yan Daudu." Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 1.1 (2007): 45-54.
Schumaker, Robert P., Ying Liu, Mark Ginsburg, and Hsinchun Chen. "Evaluating the Efficacy of a Terrorism Question/Answer System." Communications of the ACM 50.7 (2007): 74-80.
Stackhouse, Amy. "Shakespeare's Half-Foot: Gendered Prosody in Sonnet 20." Explicator 65.4 (2007): 202-204.
Yager, Ronald R. "Aggregation of Ordinal Information." Fuzzy Optimization & Decision Making 6.3 (2007): 199-219.
Yager, Ronald R. "Centered OWA Operators." Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies & Applications 11.7 (2007): 631-639.
Yager, Ronald R. "Extending the Participatory Learning Program to Include Source Credibility." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 6.2 (2007): 85-97.
Yager, Ronald R. "Multi-Agent Negotiation Using Linguistically Expressed Mediation Rules." Group Decision & Negotiation 16.1 (2007): 1-23.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Soundness of Altering Granular Information." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 45.1 (2007): 43-67.
Yager, Ronald R. "Probability Measures over Fuzzy Spaces." International Journal of General Systems 36.3 (2007): 251-262.
Yager, Ronald R. and Vladik Kreinovich. "Entropy Conserving Probability Transforms and the Entailment Principle." Fuzzy Sets & Systems 158.12 (2007): 1397-1405.
Zaino, Jeffrey, and Jeanne Zaino. "Election by Litigation: The Electoral Process Post-Bush v. Gore." Dispute Resolution Journal 62.3 (2007): 72-78."
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