Faculty Authors
Frontiers in Catholic Feminist Theology by Susan Abraham (Editor); Elena Procario-Foley (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 230.2 F 935ISBN: 0800664396Publication Date: 2009- Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. X by Kurt J. Engemann (ed.); George E. Lasker (ed.)ISBN: 9781897233290Publication Date: 2009
Sarah's Daughters by Tresmaine R. Grimes
Call Number: Faculty Author 248.86 G 862ISBN: 1581693230Publication Date: 2009A Brief History of the Aghuank Region by Esayi Hasan Jalaleants; George A. Bournoutian
Call Number: Faculty Author 947.56 E 74ISBN: 1568591713Publication Date: 2009-06-01Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture by Tony Kelso; Brian Cogan
Call Number: Faculty Author 302.23 C 676ISBN: 0313343799Publication Date: 2009The Color of His Blood by J. F. Lewis
Call Number: Faculty Author 813.6 L 674ISBN: 0595514340Publication Date: 2009Still a Family by Lisa Rene Reynolds
Call Number: Faculty Author 306.874 R463ISBN: 0814412963Publication Date: 2009The Culture of Jazz by Frank A. Salamone
Call Number: Faculty Author 781.65 S 159ISBN: 0761841350Publication Date: 2009Jambr by Simeon; George A. Bournoutian
Call Number: Faculty Author 281.62 S 589ISBN: 9781568591704Publication Date: 2009Passages: 24 Modern Indian Stories by Barbara H. Solomon (Editor, Introduction by); Eileen Panetta (Editor, Introduction by)
Call Number: Faculty Author 891.43 P 285ISBN: 0451531264Publication Date: 2009Polluting the Sacred by Daniel E. Thiery
Call Number: Faculty Author 274.2 T 438ISBN: 9004173870Publication Date: 2009
Book Chapters
Aldredge, Marcus. "Heebsters: Community and Identity (Re) construction of Urban Jewish Hipsters." Co-opting Culture: Culture and Power in Sociology and Cultural Studies. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009. Call number: Faculty Author 306.01 C652
Delgado, Teresa. "Freedom is Our Own: Toward a Puerto Rican Emancipation Theology." Creating Ourselves: African Americans and Hispanic Americans on Popular Culture and Religious Expression. Ed. Anthony B. Pinn and Benjamin Valentin. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009. 138-172.
Delgado, Teresa. "This is My Body... Given for You: Theological Anthropology Latina/Mente." Frontiers in Catholic Feminist Theology: Shoulder to Shoulder. Ed. Susan Abraham and Elena Procario-Foley. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2009. 25-48. Call number: Faculty Author 230.2 F 935
Engemann, Kurt J. and Holmes E. Miller. "Smart Technologies in Critical Infrastructure." Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Volume X. Windsor: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 2009.
Petrausch, Robert J. "Strategic Imperatives for Interdisciplinary Study in Mass Communications/Media Studies in the U.S and U.K." Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Theory and Practice. Ed. Balasubramanyam Chandramohan and Stephen J. Fallows. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Procario-Foley, Elena. “Liberating Jesus: Christian Feminism and Anti-Judaism.” Frontiers in Catholic Feminist Theology: Shoulder to Shoulder. Ed. Susan Abraham and Elenia Procario-Foley. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2009. 97-118. Call number: Faculty Author 230.2 F 935
Wainwright, Robert. "Polyomino Number Theory Developments." Homage to a Pied Puzzler. Ed. Ed Pegg, Jr., Alan H. Schoen, and Tom Rodgers. Wellesly: A.K. Peters, 2009.
Published Papers
Shaffer, David, and Colleen M. Jacobson. "Proposal to the DSM-IV Childhood Disorder and Mood Disorder Work Groups to Include Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) as a DSM-V Disorder." Arlington, Va.: American Psychiatric Association DSM-5 Development, 2009.
Maher, Vincent. "First Blessing/Bless an Angel." Hope Whispers. Ed. Lynn C. Johnston. Burbank: Whispering Angel Books, 2009. 51. Call number: Faculty Author 810.8 H 791
- A Book of Hours: At Prayer with Thomas Merton by Kathleen DeignanCall Number: Merton Wisdom Coll. CD 003Publication Date: 2009
Articles & Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts, if available, are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Aggarwal, Raj and NyoNyo Aung Kyaw. "International Variations in Transparency and Capital Structure: Evidence from European Firms." Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 20.1 (2009): 1-34.
Allain, Kristin, Remon Bebawee, and Sunghee Lee. "Controlled Nucleation of K3Fe(CN)6 in Isolated Microdroplets at Liquid-Liquid Interface." Crystal Growth & Design 9.7 (2009): 3183-3190.
Altschuller, Shoshana, and Raquel Benbunan-Fich. "Is Music Downloading the New Prohibition?: What Students Reveal Through an Ethical Dilemma." Ethics and Information Technology 11.1 (2009): 49-56.
Ashtari, Manzar, Kelly Cervellione, John Cottone, Babak A. Ardekani, Sanjiv Kumra. "Diffusion Abnormalities in Adolescents and Young Adults with a History of Heavy Cannabis Use." Journal of Psychiatric Research 43.3 (2009): 189-204. [Abstract only.]
Bailie, Frances. "The Graduate Research Experience: Successes and Failures." Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2009. Chesapeake: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2009. 768-73.
Bottiglieri, William A., Patrick J. Reville, and Donald Grunewald. "The Enron Collapse - The Aftershocks." Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics 7 (2009): 1-9.
Bournoutian, George A. "Respected Citizens: The History of Armenians in Singapore and Malaysia [Book Review]." Armenian Review 51.1-4 (2009): 127-129.
Boylan, James, Florybeth La Valle, and Yourha Kang. "Determination of Genetic Relationships among Populations of Asclepias tuberosa (Asclepiadaceae) based on ISSR Polymorphisms." BIOS 80.1 (2009): 25-34.
Breslin, Jack. "The Religion of Journalism [Review]." Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24.4 (2009): 327-329.
Carlson, Christina. "Exploring Authorship of the Life of St. Radegund." Magistra 15.1 (2009): 47-76.
Carroll, James T. "An Irish Tragedy: How Sex Abuse by Irish Priests Helped Cripple the Catholic Church [Book Review]." American Catholic Studies 120.3 (2009): 79-81.
Carroll, James T. "The Smell of the White Man is Killing Us: Education and Assimilation among Indigenous Peoples." US Catholic Historian 27.1 (2009): 21-48.
Deignan, Kathleen P. "Founder of a School of Wisdom: A Tribute to Thomas Berry." Ecozoic 2 (2009).
Deignan, Kathleen P. "Healing the Earth in Christianity." Sacred Journey: The Journal of Fellowship in Prayer 60.4 (2009).
Dunkak, Harry M. "Irish Schoolmasters in Early New York City." New York Irish History 23 (2009): 20-28.
Engemann, Kurt J. and Holmes E. Miller. "Critical Infrastructure and Smart Technology Risk Modelling using Computational Intelligence." International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 1.1 (2009): 91-111.
Fang, Jianing. "How CPAs Can Master XBRL." CPA Journal 79.5 (2009): 70-71.
Gangswich, J. E., and Colleen M. Jacobson. "New Perspectives on Assessment of Suicide Risk." Current Treatment Options in Neurology 11 (2009): 371-376.
Gao, Ning. "Market Reaction to Corporate Outsourcing Transactions." European Journal of Social Sciences 8.2 (2009): 277-296.
Gao, Ning, and Jason Everett Brooks. "On the Relation of R&D, Growth Opportunity, and Outsourcing." Perspectives in Business 6.2 (2009): 23-30.
Goldstein, Adam M. "Blogging Evolution." Evolution: Education and Outreach 2.3 (2009): 548-559.
Goldstein, Adam M. "Charles Darwin’s Manuscripts and Publications on the World Wide Web." Evolution: Education and Outreach 2.1 (2009): 122-135.
Goldstein, Adam M. "The Charms of Nature: Darwin on Meaning and Value [Review]." Evolution: Education and Outreach 2.2 (2009): 326-333.
Goldstein, Adam M. "Milner's Encyclopedic Un-Encyclopedia [Review]." Evolution: Education and Outreach 2.4 (2009): 740-741.
Goldstein, Adam M. "Print Reference Sources about Evolution." Evolution: Education and Outreach 2.4 (2009): 700-707.
Gratzer, William and Srilal Krishnan. "From Trapezoids to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus." Montana Mathematics Enthusiast 6.3 (2009): 459-476.
Haber, Jeffry. "Optimal Spending in a Private Foundation: Using Confidence Intervals." Journal of Business and Economics Research 7.4 (2009).
Haber, Jeffry, and Andrew Braunstein. "Examining the Role of Short-Term Correlation in Portfolio Diversification." Graziadio Business Review 12.3 (2009).
Jantzen, Robert, Donn Pescatrice, and Andrew Braunstein. "Wal-Mart and the US Economy." Eastern Economic Journal 35.3 (2009): 297-308.
Kyaw, NyoNyo Aung, and Hla Theing. "A Performance Analysis of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures: Electrical and Electronic Industry in Thailand." International Journal of Business Studies 17.1 (2009): 107-125.
Lee, Sunghee. "Building Strong Bonds: Chem Club in the Classroom." Chemical Educator 14.3 (2009): 145-149.
Lee, Sunghee, and Jerome Levkov. "Motivating Students through Career Exploration: Career Information in Science at Iona College (CSI)." Chemical Educator 14.1 (2009): 41-44.
LoPachin, Richard M., Brian C. Geohage, and Terrence Gavin. "Synaptosomal Toxicity and Nucleophilic Targets of 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal." Toxicological Sciences 107.1 (2009): 171-181.
LoPachin, Richard M., Terrence Gavin, Dennis R. Petersen, and David S. Barber. "Molecular Mechanisms of 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal and Acrolein Toxicity: Nucleophilic Targets and Adduct Formation." Chemical Research in Toxicology 22.9 (2009): 1499-1508.
Loubeau, Patricia. "The Challenges of Tobacco Control in Croatia." International Advances in Economic Research 15.4 (2009): 494.
Marino, Kim. "Probation Management of Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Co-Facilitators’ Perceptions of Offender Progress in Treatment." Criminal Justice Review 34.3 (2009): 382-403.
Mumma, Michael J., Geronimo L. Villanueva, Robert E. Novak, Tilak Hewagama, Boncho P. Bonev, Michael A. DiSsanti, Avi M. Mandell, Michael D. Smith. "Strong Release of Methane on Mars in Northern Summer 2003." Science 323.5917 (2009): 1041-1045.
Mussio, Thomas. "Two Early Ligurian Communities along the Ohio River: Cincinnati and Louisville." Voices in Italian Americana: VIA (2009).
Nedumaruthumchalil, George. "The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Marriage and Family Therapy." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 44 (2009): 14-58.
Nelson, Christian, Colleen M. Jacobson, Mark Weinberger, Vidhya Bhaskran, Barry Rosenfeld, Willilam Breitbart, and Andrew Roth. "The Role of Spirituality in the Relationship between Religiosity and Depression in Prostate Cancer Patients." Annals of Behavioral Medicine 38.2 (2009): 105-114.
Paffenroth, Kim. "Cosmology and New Testament Theology [Book Review]." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 71.4 (2009): 938-939.
Pelta, David and Ronald R. Yager. "On the Conflict between Inducing Confusion and Attaining Payoff in Adversarial Decision Making." Information Sciences 179.1-2 (2009): 33-40.
Petrovic, Smiljana and Susan L. Epstein. "Learning a Mixture of Search Heuristics." Constraint Programming Letters 4 (2009): 15-38. [Abstract only.]
Procario-Foley, Elena. "Reading the Hebrew Bible after the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust Theology [Book Review]." Theological Studies 70.4 (2009): 968.
Rahman, Noushi, and George de Feis. "Strategic Decision-Making: Models and Methods in the Face of Complexity and Time Pressure." Journal of General Management 35.2 (2009): 43-59. [Abstract only.]
Reville, Patrick J. "International Application Of The Fifth Amendment: Where In The World Is Ernesto Miranda?" The International Business & Economics Research Journal 8.10 (2009): 11-18.
Rozensher, Susan, and David Seal. "Experiential Learning in Marketing Communications Courses: The Demarketing of College Binge-Drinking." American Journal of Business Education 2.3 (2009): 73-82.
Ryan, Huldah A., Charles J. Cante, Robert G. Strittmatter, Vincent J. Calluzzo, and Caitlin R. Maxwell. "Strategic Alliances In Public Accounting Firms." Journal of Applied Business Research 25.4 (2009): 1-7.
Schumaker, Robert P. and Hsinchun Chen. "A Quantitative Stock Prediction System Based on Financial News." Information Processing & Management 45.5 (2009): 571-583.
Schumaker, Robert P. and Hsinchun Chen. "Textual Analysis of Stock Market Prediction Using Breaking Financial News: The AZFinText System." ACM Transactions on Information Systems 27.2 (2009).
Serguieva, Antoaneta, Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Edward Tsang, and Ronald R. Yager. "Risk Analysis in Complex Systems: Intelligent Systems in Finance." Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management 16.1-2 (2009): 1-3.
Sizemore, O.J. and Gary Lewandowski, Jr. "Learning Might Not Equal Liking: Research Methods Course Changes Knowledge but Not Attitudes." Teaching of Psychology 36.2 (2009): 90-95.
Theodore, John L. "Simulation of Initial Assessments in Classroom Settings via Role-Play." Teaching of Psychology: Ideas and Innovations: Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. ERIC, 2009. 58-60.
Theodore, Lea A., Richard DioGuardi, Tammy Hughes, Danielle Aloiso, Melissa Carlo, and Darren Eccles. "A Class-Wide Intervention for Improving Homework Performance." Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation 19.4 (2009): 275-299.
Wittig-Berman, Ursula and Nicholas J. Beutell. "International Assignments and the Career Management of Repatriates: The Boundaryless Career Concept." International Journal of Management 26.1 (2009): 77-88.
Xu, Zeshui and Ronald R. Yager. "Intuitionistic and Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference Relations and their Measures of Similarity for the Evaluation of Agreement within a Group." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 8.2 (2009): 123-139.
Yager, Ronald R. "Comparing Approximate Reasoning and Probabilistic Reasoning using the Dempster–Shafer Framework." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 50.5 (2009): 812-821.
Yager, Ronald R. "On Generalized Bonferroni Mean Operators for Multi-Criteria Aggregation." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 50.8 (2009): 1279-1286.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Dispersion Measure of OWA Operators." Information Sciences 179.22 (2009): 3908-3919.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Fusion of Non-Independent Belief Structures." International Journal of General Systems 38.5 (2009): 505-531.
Yager, Ronald R. "OWA Aggregation of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets." International Journal of General Systems 38.6 (2009): 617-641.
Yager, Ronald R. "Prioritized OWA Aggregation." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 8.3 (2009): 245-262.
Yager, Ronald R. "Some Aspects of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 8.1 (2009): 67-90.
Yager, Ronald R. "Weighted Maximum Entropy OWA Aggregation With Applications to Decision Making Under Risk." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: Part A 39.3 (2009): 555-564.
Zaino, Jeanne S., and Tricia Mulligan. "Learning Opportunities in a Department-Wide Crisis Simulation: Bridging the International/National Divide." PS: Political Science & Politics 42.3 (2009): 537-541.
Zaromatidis, Katherine and Patricia A. Oswald. "A Student Perspective on Traditional, Hybrid and Distance Learning Courses." Teaching of Psychology: Ideas and Innovations. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. ERIC, 2009. 14-8.
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