Faculty Authors
Evolution and Other Fairy Tales by Larry Azar
Call Number: 146.7 A 992ISBN: 1420807897Publication Date: 2005The History of Vardapet Arak`el of Tabriz by George A. Bournoutian (Editor, Translator)
Call Number: Faculty Author 956.6 H 6735ISBN: 1568591829Publication Date: 2005Governance As Leadership by Richard P. Chait; William P. Ryan; Barbara E. Taylor
Call Number: Faculty Author 658.42 C 435ISBN: 0471684201Publication Date: 2005Augustine and Politics by John Doody; Kevin L. Hughes; Kim Paffenroth
Call Number: Faculty Author 320.092 A 923ISBN: 0739105566Publication Date: 2005- Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems by Kurt J. Engemann (ed.); G. E. Lasker (ed.)Call Number: Faculty Author 658.403 I 614 v.6ISBN: 1894613376Publication Date: 2005
- And I Quote : One-Act Original "Play-giarism" by Brad GromelskiCall Number: Faculty Author 812.54 G 875aPublication Date: 2005
Reflections of a Dinosaur Priest by James Lloyd
Call Number: Faculty Author 282.092 L 793ISBN: 1598581767Publication Date: 2005The New Formalism by Robert McPhillips
Call Number: Faculty Author 811.509 M478ISBN: 193233968XPublication Date: 2005The Heart Set Free by Kim Paffenroth
Call Number: Faculty Author 230 P 127ISBN: 0826416136Publication Date: 2005- Science and Technology of Computer Music by Victor A. StanionisCall Number: Faculty Author 786.76 S 786ISBN: 0757521347Publication Date: 2005
Miss Lulu Bett and Stories by Zona Gale; Eileen Panetta (Editor); Barbara H. Solomon (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 813.52 G 152ISBN: 1400095387Publication Date: 2005
Book Chapters
Engemann, Kurt J. and Holmes Miller. "Some Effects of Distance Education on Students, Faculty, and Educational Institutions." The Fate of Empires: Education in a Consilient World. New York: Global Scholarly Publications, 2005.
Engemann, Kurt J., Holmes Miller, and Ronald Yager. "Using Decision Attitude to Generalize Variance." Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Volume VI. Windsor: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 2005.
Articles & Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts, if available, are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "What the Best College Teachers Do [Book Review]." Review of Higher Education 28.4 (2005): 621-2.
Aggarwal, Raj, and NyoNyo A. Kyaw. "Equity Market Integration in the NAFTA Region: Evidence from Unit Root and Cointegration Tests." International Review of Financial Analysis 14.4 (2005): 393-406. [Abstract only.]
Atanassov, Krassimir, Gabriella Pasi, and Ronald R. Yager. "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Interpretations of Multi-criteria Multi-person and Multi-measurement Tool Decision Making." International Journal of Systems Science 36.14 (2005): 859-868. [Abstract only.]
Bailie, Frances. "Can a Technology Grant from the National Academy Foundation Begin to Make a Difference for Minority Students in an Urban High School?" Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2005. Chesapeake: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2005. 805-11.
Bernardi, Richard, A., David F. Bean, and Kristen M. Weippert. "Minority Membership on Boards of Directors: The Case for Requiring Pictures of Boards in Annual Reports." Critical Perspectives in Accounting 16.8 (2005): 1019-1033.
Cianci, Ann Marie, and Diane Ferrero-Paluzzi. "Metacommunication in Hearing Aid Acquisition: Audiologists, Patient and Family." Kappa Omicron Nu Forum 16.1 (2005).
Connelly, Richard, Haldun Hadimioglu, David Herscovici, Lubomir Ivanov, and Mark Hoffman. "Course Continuity in the Computer Science Curriculum." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 21.1 (2005): 172-6.
Duin, Diane K. and Mary Helen McSweeney-Feld. "The Aging Male Inmate: Long-term Care Service Needs and Resulting Policy Implications." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 40 (2005): 97-106.
Engemann, Kurt J., Holmes E. Miller, and Ronald R. Yager. "Disaster Management of Information Resources Using Fuzzy and Attitudinal Modelling." International Journal of Technology, Policy & Management 5.4 (2005): 388-406.
Francis, John D. and Ashay B. Desai. "Situational and Organizational Determinants of Turnaround." Management Decision 43.9 (2005): 1203-1224.
Gavin, Terrence. "Quantitative Thermodynamic Descriptions of Aromaticity: A Computational Exercise for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory." Journal of Chemical Education 82.6 (2005): 953-957.
Grimes, Tresmaines R. "Women of Color and Aging: Not the Golden Years." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 40 (2005): 107-111.
Grunewald, Donald, and Philip Baron. "Jared Jackson's Dilemma." Journal of Business Ethics 57.3 (2005): 303-307.
Haber, Jeffry R. "Does Being the Auditor Impair Independence?" CPA Journal 75.6 (2005): 12.
Heyman, Janna C., Irene A. Gutheil, Valerie C. Candela, Colette Phipps, Dozene Guishard, and Penelope Moore. "Undergraduate College Students' Interest in Aging Advocacy." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 40 (2005): 61-72.
Hiebert, James, James W. Stigler, Jennifer K. Jacobs, Karen Bogard Givven, Helen Garnier, Margaret Smith, Hilary Hollingsworth, Alfred Manaster, Diana Wearne, and Ronald Gallimore. "Mathematics Teaching in the United States Today (And Tomorrow): Results from the TIMSS 1999 Video Study." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 27.2 (2005): 111-132.
Loubeau, Patricia R. and Robert Jantzen. "US Hospital Bond Ratings in the Managed Care Era." Journal of Health Care Finance 31.3 (2005): 41-51.
Manley, John E., Eleni Mariola, and Charles F. O'Donnell. "The Impact of Diversification on the Future of the U.S. Social Security Program." Journal of Financial Service Professionals 59.5 (2005): 42-49.
Matich-Maroney, Jeanne, Pamela S. Boyle, and Michael M. Crocker. "The Psychosexual Assessment & Treatment Continuum: A Tool for Conceptualizing the Range of Sexuality-Related Issues and Support Needs of Individuals With Developmental Disabilities." Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities 8.3 (2005): 77-90.
McKinney, Andrew M., Kevin R. Jackson, Ralph Nicholas Salvatore, Elena-Maria Savrides, Mary Jane Edattel, and Terrence Gavin. "A Rapid and Efficient Method for the Reduction of Quinoxalines." Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 42.5 (2005): 1031-1034. [Abstract only.]
McSweeney-Feld, Mary Helen. "Caregiving and Alzheimer's Disease: The Need for a Policy Agenda." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 40 (2005): 94-96.
Moore, Penelope J. "Partnerships to Raise Awareness about Aging: One College's Experience." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 40 (2005): 73-83.
Paffenroth, Kim. "Deadly Self-Deception and Life-Giving Revelation in Flannery O'Connor." Communio 32 (2005): 152-71.
Paffenroth, Kim. "Different Loves in Dante." The Downside Review 123 (2005): 17-44.
Petrosky, Edward. "The Relationship Between the Morbid Response of the Rorschach Inkblot Test and Self-Reported Depressive Symptomatology." Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health 12.2 (2005): 87-98.
Poger, Sofya, Aziz Kamari, YokeMeng Chuah, and Catherine Ricardo. "The Development of a Web-Based System for Course and Program Assessment." Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2005. Chesapeake: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2005. 176-81.
Rickard, John T., Ronald R. Yager, and Wendy Miller. "Mountain Clustering on Non-Uniform Grids Using P-Trees." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 4.2 (2005): 87-102.
Salamone, Frank A. "Jazz and Its Impact on European Classical Music." Journal of Popular Culture 38.4 (2005): 732-743.
Salvatore, Ralph Nicholas, Robert A. Smith, Adam K. Nischwitz, and Terrence Gavin. "A Mild and Highly Convenient Chemoselective Alkylation of Thiols using Cs2CO3–TBAI." Tetrahedon Letters 46.51 (2005): 8931-8935. [Abstract only.]
Troiano, Luigi and Ronald R. Yager. "Recursive and Iterative OWA Operators." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems 13.6 (2005): 579-599.
Tully, Greg, Meryl Nadel, and Mary Lesser. "Providing Economics Content for the 21st Century BSW Student." Journal of Teaching in Social Work 25.3-4 (2005): 19-34.
Yager, Ronald R., Carol L. Walker, and Elbert A. Walker. "Generalizing Leximin to t-norms and t-conorms: the LexiT and LexiS Orderings." Fuzzy Sets & Systems 151.2 (2005): 327-340. [Abstract only.]
Zaino, Jeanne. "Disparate Generations: Intergenerational Accord and Aging Policy -- A Preliminary Data Review." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 40 (2005): 8-27.
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