Faculty Authors
Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact: History, Practices, and Policy Development by Jeffrey W. Alstete, Nicholas J. Beutell, John P. Meyer
Call Number: Faculty Author 378.12 A 463eISBN: 9781787563902Publication Date: 2018Armenia and Imperial Decline: The Yerevan Province, 1900-1914 by George Bournoutian
Call Number: Faculty Author 947.56 B 775aISBN: 1138480576Publication Date: 2018The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business by Kurt J. Engemann (Editor)
ISBN: 1315629526Publication Date: 2018ebookThe Social Impact of Advertising: Confessions of an (Ex-)Advertising Man by Tony Kelso
Call Number: Faculty Author 659.104 K 299ISBN: 1538101149Publication Date: 2018Augustine and Wittgenstein by Alexander R. Eodice (Editor), Kim Paffenroth (Editor), John Doody (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 189.2 A 92wISBN: 1498585264Publication Date: 2018Righting Relations after the Holocaust and Vatican II by Elena G. Procario-Foley (Editor); Robert A. Cathey (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 261.26 R 571ISBN: 0809153351Publication Date: 2018Footnotes by Christopher Perricone
Call Number: Faculty Author 811.6 P 456ISBN: 1911052020Publication Date: 2018New Advances in the Internet of Things by Ronald R. Yager (Editor); Jordán Pascual Espada (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 004.678 N532ISBN: 9783319581897Publication Date: 2018
Book Chapters
Altschuller, Shoshanna and Shaya Altschuller. "Accounting Information Systems: Opportunity and Risk." The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business. Routledge, 2018.
Bard, Mitchell T. "From Fox News to Fake News: An Anatomy of the Top 20 Fake News Stories on Facebook before the 2016 Election." Communication in the Age of Trump. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. Faculty Author 320.973 C 734
Berton, Gary. "The Distortion of Thomas Paine's Philosophy of Government." The Legacy of Thomas Paine in the Transatlantic World. London: Routledge, 2018. Faculty Author 320.51 P 147Le
Defino, Dean. "'Flip': The Larry Sanders Show." Television Finales from Howdy Doody to Girls. Syracuse University Press, 2018.
Engemann, Kurt J. "Developments in Risk Security." The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business. Routledge, 2018.
Lee, Sunghee. "It Always Seems Impossible Until It Is Done." Mom the Chemistry Professor: Personal Accounts and Advice from Chemistry Professors who are Mothers. Springer, 2018. Faculty Author 540.82 M 732
Mitra, Namrata. "Legacies of Legitimacy and Resistance: Imperial and State Violence in South Asia and Latin America." Comparative Studies in Asian and Latin American Philosophies: Cross-Cultural Theories and Methodologies. Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
Mitra, Namrata. "Routine Unrecognized Sexual Violence in India." New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Yager, Ronald R. "Intelligent Rule-Based Risk Modeling for Decision Making." The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business. Routledge, 2018.
Articles and Conference Proceedings
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. and Nicholas J. Beutell. "Designing Learning Spaces for Management Education: A Mixed Methods Research Approach." Journal of Management Development 37.2 (2018): 201-211., doi:10.1108/JMD-08-2017-0247.
Aydogan, Sena, Diyar Akay, Faith Emre Boran, and Ronald R. Yager. "An Extension of Fuzzy Linguistic Summarization Considering Probabilistic Uncertainty." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 26.2 (2018)., doi:10.1142/S0218488518500101.
Banaszak Holl, Mark M., Casey A. Dougherty, and Sriram Vaidyanathan. "Tailoring Dendrimer Conjugates for Biomedical Applications: The Impact of Altering Hydrophobicity." Journal of Nanoparticle Research 20.10 (2018): 1-7., doi:10.1007/s11051-018-4380-6.
Beutell, Nicholas J. and Scott J. Behson. "Working Fathers and Work-Family Relationships: A Comparison of Generation X and Millennial Dads." Journal of Organizational Psychology 18.1 (2018): 67-77.
Bottiglieri, William A. "IRS Offers in Compromise: A Case Study." CPA Journal 88.1 (2018): 62-7.
Braziel, S., K. Sullivan, and Sunghee Lee. "Quantitative Raman Microspectroscopy for Water Permeability Parameters at a Droplet Interface Bilayer." Analyst 143 (2018): 747-755., doi:10.1039/C7AN01349C.
Carr, D. Jasun and Mitchell Bard. "Even a Celebrity Journalist Can't Have an Opinion: Post-Millenials' Recognition and Evaluation of Journalists and News Brands on Twitter." Electronic News 12.1 (2018): 3-22., doi:10.1177/1931243117710280.
Cesario, Brian, Elizabeth Parks-Stamm, and Mujgan Turgut. "Initial Assessment of the Psychometric Properties of the Sexual Harassment Reporting Attitudes Scale." Cogent Psychology 5.1 (2018): 1-11., doi:10.1080/23311908.2018.1517629.
Clark, Anna E. "Secrecy and Disclosure in Victorian Fiction by Leila Silvana May [Book Review]." Studies in the Novel 50.3 (2018): 450-451., doi:10.1353/sdn.2018.0032.
Connolly, Sean, Devona Quasi-Woode, Laura Waldron, Christian Eberly, Kerri Waters, Eric M. Muller, and Tami J. Kingsbury. "Calcineurin Regulatory Subunit Calcium-Binding Domains Differentially Contribute to Calcineurin Signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Genetics 209.3 (2018): 801-813., doi:10.1534/genetics.118.300911.
Cosby, Nadine. "Finding Inspiration through Popular Culture: Discursive Scholarship on Hip-Hop as a Pedagogical Tool." Journal of the Research Association of Minority Professors (2018).
Danley, Stephen and Rasheda Weaver. "'They're Not Building It for Us': Displacement Pressure, Unwelcomeness, and Protesting Neighborhood Investment." Societies 8.3 (2018)., doi:10.3390/soc8030074.
Dávila, M.T., Melissa Pagán, Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Michael E. Lee, and Teresa Delgado. "A Puerto Rican Decolonial Theology: Prophesy Freedom: Four Perspectives." Horizons 45.2 (2018): 412-440.
De Feis, George L. "Youth Groups Needed to Achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)." International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences 7.1 (2018): 49-65.
Engel, Stephen M. and Timothy S. Lyle. "F***ing with Dignity: Public Sex, Queer Intimate Kinship, and How the AIDS Epidemic Bathhouse Closures Constituted a Dignity Taking." Chicago-Kent Law Review 92.3 (2018): 961-990.
Engemann, Kurt J. and Ronald R. Yager. "Comfort Decision Modeling." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 26, suppl. 1 (2018): 141-163., doi:10.1142/S0218488518400081. [Abstract only.]
Flannelly, Kevin J., Laura T. Flannelly, and Katherine R.B. Jankowski. "Threats to the Internal Validity of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research in Healthcare." Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 24.3 (2018): 107-130., doi:10.1080/08854726.2017.1421019. [Abstract only.]
Fust, Alexander Paul, Tobias Jenert, and Christoph Winkler. "Experiential or Self-regulated Learning: A Critical Reflection of Entrepreneurial Learning Processes." Entrepreneurship Research Journal 8.2 (2018)., doi:10.1515/erj-2017-0098. [Abstract only.]
Gioiosa, Marie Elaine. "What Affects Average Net Price at a Four-year Public and Not-for-Profit Private Institutions in the USA?" International Journal of Education Economics and Development 9.1 (2018): 38-56., doi:10.1504/IJEED.2018.10012163.
Gonzalez, Katerina, and Christoph Winkler. "The Entrepreneurial Breaking Point: Undergoing Moments of Crisis." Management Decision (2018)., doi:10.1108/MD-10-2017-1057.
Griffith, Andrew S. and Ceire Kealty. "Are Academic Libraries Utilized to Produce Engaged Alumni?" Library Management 39.3-4 (2018): 200-206., doi:10.1108/LM-09-2017-0096. [Abstract only.]
Gunn, Dennis. "From Pan-Protestantism to Pluralism: Herman Wornom and the REA's Journey toward Ecumenical and Interreligious Encounter, 1952-1970." Religious Education 113.3(2018): 266-76., doi:10.1080/00344087.2018.1455565. [Abstract only.]
Gunn, Dennis. "Teaching for Cosmopolis: Bernard Lonergan's Hopeful Vision for Education in a Globalized World." Religious Education 113.1 (2018): 26-37., doi:10.1080/00344087.2017.1393179.
Gunn, Dennis. "Teaching the "Science" of Character: The Modernist Impulse and Progressive Approaches to Reforming Moral Education in the United States in the Early Twentieth Century." American Educational History Journal 45.1/2 (2018): 21-37.
Hamerman, Eric J. and Abigail B. Schneider. "The Role of Disgust Sensitivity in Volunteer Recruitment and Retention." International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 23.2 (2018)., doi:10.1002/nvsm.1597. [Abstract only.]
Hamerman, Eric J., Fredrica Rudell, and Chrissy M. Martins. "Factors that Predict Taking Restaurant Leftovers: Strategies for Reducing Food Waste." Journal of Consumer Behaviour 17.1 (2018): 94-104., doi:10.1002/cb.1700. [Abstract only.]
He, Wei and NyoNyo A. Kyaw. "Capital Structure Adjustment Behaviors of Chinese Listed Companies: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China." Global Finance Journal 36 (2018): 14-22., doi:10.1016/j.gfj.2018.02.006.
He, Wei and NyoNyo A. Kyaw. "Ownership Structure and Investment Decisions of Chinese SOEs." Research in International Business and Finance 43 (2018): 48-57., doi:10.1016/j.ribaf.2017.07.165. [Abstract only.]
Iliescu, Nicoleta. "Long-Run Co-Movements between Oil Prices and Rig Count in the Presence of Structural Breaks." Economics Bulletin 38.2 (2018): 1171-79.
Ivanov, Lubomir, Amanda Aebig, and Stephen Meerman. "Lexical Stress-Based Authorship Attribution with Accurate Pronunciation Patterns Selection." Text, Speech and Dialogue: 21st International Conference, TSD 2018, Brno, Czech Republic, September 11-14, 2018: Proceedings. Springer, 2018., doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00794-2.
Jankowski, Katherine R.B., Kevin J. Flannelly, and Laura T. Flannelly. "The t-test: An Influential Inferential Tool in Chaplaincy and Other Healthcare Research." Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 24.1 (2018): 30-39., doi:10.1080/08854726.2017.1335050.
Kaalund, Jennifer T. "When Momma Speaks: The Bible and Motherhood from a Womanist Perspective [Book Review]." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80.1 (2018): 138-9.
Klein, Josh R. "Peace Profile: Thomas Paine." Peace Review 30.3 (2018): 399-404.
Lee, Sunghee. "Good to the Last Drop: Interfacial Droplet Chemistry, from Crystals to Biological Membranes." Accounts of Chemical Research (2018)., doi:10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00277.
Liguori, Eric, Christoph Winkler, Diana Hechavarria, and Julian Lange. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems." Journal of Enterprising Communities 12.2 (2018): 86-91., doi:10.1108/JEC-02-2018-0017.
Liguori, Eric, Christoph Winkler, Doan Winkel, Matthew R. Marvel, J. Kay Keels, Marco van Gelderen, and Erik Noyes. "The Entrepreneurship Education Imperative: Introducing EE&P." Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 1.1 (2018): 5-7., doi:10.1177/2515127417737290.
Lopez, Maria, Jacqueline Denver, Sue Ellen Evangelista, Alessandra Armetta, Gabriella Di Domizio, and Sunghee Lee. "Effects of Acyl Chain Unsaturation on Activation Energy of Water Permeability across Droplet Bilayers of Homologous Monoglycerides: Role of Cholesterol." Langmuir 34.5 (2018): 2147-2157., doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b03590.
Malenbaum, Michael. "Exchange Rate Pass-Through and the Role of Market Shares." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 18.2 (2018): 151-185., doi:10.1007/s10842-017-0256-1.
Marin, Nicolás, Gustavo Rivas-Gervilla, Daniel Sánchez, and Ronald R. Yager. "Specificity Measures and Referential Success." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26.2 (2018): 859-68., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2017.2694803.
Mesiar, Radko, Andrea Stupnanová, and Ronald R. Yager. "Extremal Symmetrization of Aggregation Functions." Annals of Operations Research 269.1-2 (2018): 535-548., doi:10.1007/s10479-017-2471-x.
Meyer, John P. and Jeffrey W. Alstete. "Inter-organisational Learning in Cases of Disruptive Innovation." International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 18.3 (2018): 185-200. doi:10.1504/IJTPM.2018.093849. [Abstract only.]
Petrovic, Smiljana, Ivan Petrovic, Ileana Palesi, and Anthony Calese. "Weighted Voting and Meta-Learning for Combining Authorship Attribution Models." Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning: IDEAL 2018: 19th International Conference, Madrid, Spain, November 21-23, 2018: Proceedings, Part I. Springer, 2018., doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03493-1_35.
Polanco-Roman, Lillian, Alyssa Moore, Aliona Tsypes, Colleen Jacobson, and Regina Miranda. "Emotion Reactivity, Comfort Expressing Emotions, and Future Suicidal Ideation in Emerging Adults." Journal of Clinical Psychology 74.1 (2018): 123-135., doi:10.1002/jclp.22486.
Poupis, Lauren Mayor. "Wishful Hearing: The Effect of Chronic Dieting on Auditory Perceptual Biases and Eating Behavior." Appetite 130.1 (2018): 219-227., doi:10.1016/j.appet.2018.07.022.
Reformat, Marek Z. and Ronald R. Yager. "Defining Personalized Concepts for XBRL using iPAD-drawn Fuzzy Sets." Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management 25.2 (2018): 73-85., doi:10.1002/isaf.1426.
Rodríguez, Rubén Rosario, María Teresa Dávila, Victor Carmora, and Teresa Delgado. "US Latino/a Contributions to the Field: Retrospect and Prospect." Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38.2 (2018): 45-56., doi:10.1353/sce.2018.0032.
Rudi, Jessie, Yalui He, Jodi Dworkin, and Jennifer Doty. "How Useful Is It? Differences in Parents' Perceptions of Parenting Information Sources." Journal of Human Sciences and Extension 6.3 (2018): 180-199.
Qin, JinDong, LeSheng Jin, Radko Mesiar, and Ronald R. Yager. "Eliciting Different Lattice Dominance Points to Evaluate Distribution Information." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26.6 (2018): 3888-3892., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2018.2851580
Schultz, Eric. "The Forgotten Pedagogical History of Multiple Articulation for Clarinet and Saxophone." The Clarinet 46.4 (2018).
Sharma, Yogeshwar, Jinghua Liu, Kathleen E. Kristian, Antonia Follenzi, and Sanjeev Gupta. "In Atp7b-/- Mice Modeling Wilson's Disease Liver Repopulation with Bone Marrow-Derived Myofibroblasts or Inflammatory Cells and not Hepatocytes is Deleterious." Gene Expression: The Journal of Liver Research 19.1 (2018): 15-24., doi:10.3727/105221618X15320123457380.
Slonimsky, Nora. "Commerce." Early American Studies 16.4 (2018): 628-636., doi:10.1353/eam.2018.0027. [Abstract only.]
Smits, Grégory, Olivier Pivert, Ronald R. Yager, and Pierre Nerzic. "A Soft Computing Approach to Big Data Summarization." Fuzzy Sets and Systems 348.1 (2018): 4-20., doi:10.1016/j.fss.2018.02.017.
Wang, Zhen, LeSheng Jin, Ronald R. Yager, Radko Mesiar, Martin Kalina, Jana Spirkova, Surijat Borkotokey. "Ordered Weight Sum in Infinite Sequences Environment with Applications." Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (2018)., doi:10.3233/JIFS-181291.
Weaver, Rasheda L., Stephen Danley, and Isel Otero-Vera. "Learning from Failure: Barriers to Using Experiential Education in Graduate Nonprofit Research Training." Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership 8.3 (2018): 305-321., doi:10.18666/JNEL-2018-V8-I3-9135.
Wheeler, Darrell P., Jonathan Lucas, Leo Wilton, LaRon E. Nelson, Christopher Hucks-Ortiz, ... Sheldon D. Fields. "Building Effective Multilevel HIV Prevention Partnerships with Black Men who have Sex with Men: Experience from HPTN 073, a Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Study in Three US Cities." Journal of the International AIDS Society 21, Suppl. 7 (2018)., doi:10.1002/jia2.25180.
Widmer, Timothy L., Johnson-Brousseau, Sheila, Kathleen Kosta, Sibdas Ghosh, Wolfgang Schweigkofler, Supriya Sharma, and Karen Suslow. "Remediation of Phytophthora ramorum-infested Soil with Trichoderma asperellum Isolate 04-22 under Ornamental Nursery Conditions." Biological Control 118 (2018): 67-73., doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2017.12.007.
Winkler, Christoph. "Is Entrepreneurship Dead?: The Truth about Startups in America [Book Review]." Choice 56.2 (2018): 232.
Winkler, Christoph, Ethlyn Saltzman, and Shu Yang. "Improvement of Practice in Entrepreneurship Education through Action Research: The Case of Coworking at a Nonresidential College." Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 1.2 (2018): 139-165., doi:10.1177/2515127418773410.
Yager, Ronald R. "Bi-directional Dominance for Measure Modeled Uncertainty." Information Sciences 447 (2018): 72-82., doi:10.1016/j.ins.2018.01.050.
Yager, Ronald R. "Categorization in Multi-criteria Decision Making." Information Sciences 460 (2018): 416-423.
Yager, Ronald R. "A Class of Belief Structures Based on Possibility Measures." Soft Computing 22.23 (2018): 7909-7917., doi:doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3062-8.
Yager, Ronald R. "Fuzzy Rule Bases with Generalized Belief Structure Inputs." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 72 (2018): 93-98., doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2018.03.005. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Interval Valued Entropies for Dempster-Shafer Structures." Knowledge-Based Systems 161.1 (2018): 390-397., doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2018.08.001
Yager, Ronald R. "Multi-criteria Decision Making with Interval Criteria Satisfactions Using the Golden Rule Representative Value." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26.2 (2018): 1023-1031., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2017.2709275.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Fusion of Multiple Measure Based Belief Structures." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 26, suppl. 2 (2018): 63-88., doi:10.1142/S0218488518400123. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "On Using the Shapley Value to Approximate the Choquet Integral in Cases of Uncertain Arguments." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26.3 (2018): 1303-10., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2017.2718966.
Yager, Ronald R. "Refined Expected Value Decision Rules." Information Fusion 42 (2018): 174-8., doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2017.10.008. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. "Satisfying Uncertain Targets Using Measure Generalized Dempster-Shafer Belief Structures." Knowledge-Based Systems 142 (2018): 1-6., doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2017.11.012. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R., Fred Petry, and Paul Elmore. "Multiple Attribute Similarity Hypermatching." Soft Computing 22.8 (2018): 2463-2469., doi:10.1007/s00500-017-2721-5. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. and Naif Alajlan. "Multi-criteria Formulations with Uncertain Satisfactions." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 69 (2018): 104-111., doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2017.12.001.
Yager, Ronald R., Naif Alajlan, and Yakoub Bazi. "Aspects of Generalized Orthopair Fuzzy Sets." International Journal of Intelligent Systems 33.11 (2018): 2154-74., doi:10.1002/int.22008. [Abstract only.]
Encyclopedia Articles
Bournoutian, George. "Abraham of Crete." Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History: Volume 12: Asia, Africa and the Americas (1700-1800). Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Bournoutian, George. "Abraham of Erevan." Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History: Volume 12: Asia, Africa and the Americas (1700-1800). Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Bournoutian, George. "Simeon of Erevan." Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History: Volume 12: Asia, Africa and the Americas (1700-1800). Leiden: Brill, 2018.
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