Faculty Authors
The Education of a Circus Clown: Mentors, Audiences, Mistakes by David Carlyon
Call Number: Faculty Author 791.3 C286ISBN: 9781137554819Publication Date: 2015Augustine and Social Justice by Teresa Delgado (Editor); John Doody (Editor); Kim Paffenroth (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 261.8 A9235ISBN: 9781498509176Publication Date: 2015Writing Reconstruction: Race, Gender, and Citizenship in the Postwar South by Sharon D. Kennedy-Nolle
Call Number: Faculty Author 810.9975 K361ISBN: 146962107XPublication Date: 2015David Riesman's Unpublished Writings and Continuing Legacy by Keith Kerr (Editor); B. Garrick Harden (Editor); Marcus Aldredge (Editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 306.0973 R561ISBN: 9781472428486Publication Date: 2015African Immigrants in Contemporary Spanish Texts: Crossing the Strait by Debra Faszer-Mcmahon (editor); Victoria Ketz (editor)
Call Number: Faculty Author 860.935 A258ISBN: 1472416341Publication Date: 2015The Rise of Global Health by Joshua K. Leon
Call Number: Faculty Author 362.1 L579ISBN: 1438455178Publication Date: 2015- Advancing the Legacy: The Story of Iona College 1940-2015 by Charles B. Quinn, Harry M. DunkakCall Number: Archives 378.747277 A244Publication Date: 2015
The Speaking Animal: Ethics, Language and the Human-Animal Divide by Alison Suen
Call Number: Faculty Author 179.3 S944ISBN: 1783485116Publication Date: 2015Microbiology for the Non-Science Major by Christina Zeoli-Costa
Call Number: Faculty Author 579 Z56ISBN: 1465274847Publication Date: 2015
Book Chapters
Aldredge, Marcus and B. Garrick Haren. "Strange Cultural Bedfellows: David Riesman, Erving Goffman and Structures of Alienation." David Riesman's Unpublished Writings and Continuing Legacy. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. Faculty Author 306.0973 R561
Borish, Steven, Arthur Scott, Mietek Kolipinski, Marie Pace, and Sibdas Ghosh. "Manifest Destiny and Traumatization of Indigenous Native American Culture : Soul Wound followed by Renewal and Revitalization." Native Americans: Cultural Diversity, Health Issues and Challenges. Hauppauge: Nova Science, 2015. Faculty Author 970.004 N2781
Breslin, Jack. "Covering Crime Victims: A Discussion of Plaintiff Rights and Media Liability." The Sage Guide to Key Issues in Mass Media Ethics and Law. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2015.
Breslin, Jack. "False Light: The Tortured and the Troubled Tort that Survives." The Sage Guide to Key Issues in Mass Media Ethics and Law. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2015.
Breslin, Jack. "First Amendment Protections for Parody and Satire." The Sage Guide to Key Issues in Mass Media Ethics and Law. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2015.
Delgado, Teresa."Beyond Procreativity: Heterosexuals Queering Marriage." Queer Christianities: Lived Religion in Transgressive Forms. New York: NYU Press, 2014. Faculty Author 270.086 Q38
Egelman, William S. "Italian Americans: The Move to Suburbia." What is Italian America? Selected Essays from The Italian American Studies Association. New York: Italian American Studies Association, 2015. Faculty Author 973.0451 W555
Ivanov, Lubomir and Smiljana Petrovic. "Using Lexical Stress in Authorship Attribution of Historical Texts." Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 18th International Conference, TSD 2015, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 14-17, 2015, Proceedings. Spring, 2015. [Abstract only.]
Kradjel, Cynthia. "Practical use of FT-NIR for Identification and Qualification of Botanicals: A Fit-for-Purpose Approach." Botanicals: Methods and Techniques for Quality and Authenticity, CRC Press, 2015.
Lacey, Robert. "Elihu Root: Balancing Constitutionalism and Democracy." In Defense of the Founders Republic: Critics of Direct Democracy in the Progressive Era. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. Faculty Author: 320.973 I35
Procario-Foley, Elena. "The Blessing of Sitting Together." Interreligious Friendship after Nostra Aetate. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Encyclopedia Entries
Bournoutian, George. "Kosrow Mirza Qajar." Encyclopædia Iranica. Columbia University, 2015.
Umashankar, Rachana Rao. "Delhi." Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2015.
Mathematical Problem
Wainwright, Robert. "Catch Twenty-Two." Topics in Recreational Mathematics. Marion: C. Ashbacher, 2015.
Deignan, Kathleen. "Recovering Paradise: Thomas Merton's Wisdom for Earth's Dark Night." Emerging Wisdom Educational Events, 14-22 April 2015, The Galt Hotel, Louisville, KY. Spiritual Directors International, 2015. Merton Wisdom Coll. DVD 004
Full-text online access to the articles is provided if available. Please note that full-text access for some of the articles is restricted to Iona faculty, students, and staff. Online abstracts are provided in lieu of full-text in other cases.
Alstete, Jeffrey W. "Eisenhower in Command at Columbia [Book Review]." Review of Higher Education 38.2 (2015): 307-10.
Bailie, Frances. "Women Who Make a Difference." ACM Inroads 6.2 (2015).
Beutell, Nicholas J., Joy A. Schneer, and Jeffrey W. Alstete. "Comparing Self-employment Aspirants with the Presently Self-employed." Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 27.5 (2015): 407-425.
Bournoutian, George. "Demographic Changes in the Southwest Caucasus, 1604-1803: The Case of Historical Eastern Armenia." Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics 3.2 (2015): 27-36.
Bournoutian, George. "Guive Mirfendereski, The Privileged American: The U.S. Capitulations in Iran, 1856-1979 [Book Review]." Iran and the Caucasus 19.2 (2015): 195-198.
Bournoutian, George. "The Iran-Turkey-Armenia Borders as Depicted in Various Maps." Iran and the Caucasus 19.1 (2015): 97-107.
Carlyon, David. "From Broadway Tabernacle to the Gettysburg Battlefield: Did Edwin Forrest Influence Abraham Lincoln?" Theatre Survey 56.1 (2015): 71-94.
Carroll, James T. "Conflicted Mission: Faith, Disputes, and Deception on the Dakota Frontier [Book Review]." South Dakota History 45.2 (2015): 182.
Delgado, Teresa. "Metaphor for Teaching: Good Teaching is Like Good Sex." Teaching Theology & Religion 18.3 (2015): 224-232.
Engemann, Kurt J., and H.E. Miller. "Risk Strategy and Attitude Sensitivity." Cybernetics and Systems 46.3 (2015).
Grant, Heath, Cathryn Lavery, and Kimberly Spanjol. "Critical Understandings about Animal Cruelty for Law Enforcement Practitioners." Journal of Law Enforcement 4.5 (2015): 1-12.
Griffith, Andrew and Veronica Paz. "What Can You Do with a Renegade Employee?" Nonprofit World 33.4 (2015): 4-5.
Grunewald, Donald. "Good Weed, Inc." Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics 12.1 (2015): 32-38.
Haber, Jeffry. "Can Active Management Outperform a Benchmark: Let’s Stop the Madness--The Benchmark is an Unattractive Investment." American Journal of Management 15.1 (2015): 101-10.
Hilford, Andrew, Laurence T. Maloney, Murray Glanzer, and Kisok Kim. "Three Regularities of Recognition Memory: The Role of Bias." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22.6 (2015): 1646-1644.
Hughes, Michael. "Munro Price. Napoleon: The End of Glory [Book Review]." American Historical Review 120.3 (2015): 1128.
Hull, Emily A., Aaron C. West, Oleg Pestovsky, Kathleen A. Kristian, Arkady Ellern, James F. Dunne, Jack M. Carraher, Andreja Bakac, and Theresa L. Windus. "UV-visible Spectroscopy of Macrocyclic Alkyl, Nitrosyl and Halide Complexes of Cobalt and Rhodium. Experiment and Calculation." Dalton Transactions 44 (2015): 3811-6.
Ivanov, Lubomir. "3D Game Development with Unity in the Computer Science Curriculum." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 31.1 (2015): 167-173.
Jacabacci, Jessica, Michael Guzzardi, and Teresa G. D'Aversa. "Exogenous Folic Acid is not Able to Inhibit the Effects of Methotrexate on the Folate Pathway in Zebrafish Embryos." BIOS 86.3 (2015): 125-133., doi:10.1893/BIOS-D-14-00027.1. [Abstract only.]
Jacobson, Colleen, Ryan M. Hill, Jeremy W. Pettit, and Dima Grozeva. "The Association of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Emotional Experiences with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Young Adults." Archives of Suicide Research 19.4 (2015): 401-413., doi:10.1080/13811118.2015.1004492. [Abstract only.]
Jacobson, Colleen, Ryan M. Hill, Jeremy W. Pettit, and Regina Miranda. "The Measure of Verbally Expressed Emotion: Development and Factor Structure of a Scale Designed to Assess Comfort Expressing Feelings to Others." Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 37.2 (2015): 358-369.
Kang, Jaeyoung. "Exemplary Performance: Driving Business Results by Benchmarking Your Star Performers [Book Review]." Benchmarking 22.5 (2015): 973-975.
Kang, Moonsoo, and Kiseok Nam. "Informed Trade and Idiosyncratic Return Variation." Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 44.3 (2015): 551-572., doi:10.1007/s11156-013-0417-1.
Kelso, Tony. "Still Trapped in the U.S. Media's Closet: Representations of Gender-Variant, Pre-Adolescent Children." Journal of Homosexuality 62.8 (2015): 1058-1097., doi:10.1080/00918369.2015.1021634.
Kinkela, Katherine, Fay Teplitsky, and Peter Harris. "Standardizing Accounting for Financial Reporting." Global Conference on Business & Finance Proceedings 10.1 (2015): 2-3.
Kiss, Titanilla, and Shaki Asgari. "A Case Study of Personal Experiences of Undocumented Eastern European Immigrants Living in the United States." Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 9.2 (2015): 42-61, 116.
Klein, Josh R. "National Insecurity Crime." Criminal Justice Ethics 34.1 (2015): 1-17., doi:10.1080/0731129X.2015.1029375. [Abstract only.]
Kosharskyy, Boleslav, Amaresh Vydyanathan, Lihai Zhang, Naum Shaparin, Brian C. Geohagen, William Bivin, Qiang Liu, Terrence Gavin, and Richard M. LoPachin. "2-Acetylcyclopentanone, an Enolate-Forming 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compound, Is Cytoprotective in Warm Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury of Rat Liver." Journal of Pharmacology 353.1 (2015): 150-158.
Kreier, Rachel and Bhaswati Sengupta. "Income, Health, and the Value of Preserving Options." Atlantic Economic Journal 43.4 (2015): 431-448.
Kristian, Kathleen E. "A Wiki-Based Group Project in an Inorganic Chemistry Foundation Course." Journal of Chemical Education 92.12 (2015): 2074-2079.
Kristian, Kathleen E., Scott Friedbauer, Donika Kabashi, Kristen M. Frenecz, Jennifer C. Barajas, and Kelly O'Brien. "A Simplified Digestion Protocol for the Analysis of Hg in Fish by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy." Journal of Chemical Education 92.4 (2015): 698-702., doi:10.1021/ed500687b.
Leon, Joshua K. "The Role of Global Cities in Land Grabs." Third World Quarterly 36.2 (2015): 257-73.
Leone, Dorothy and Erika S. Levy. "Children's Perception of Conversational and Clear American-English Vowels in Noise." Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 58.2 (2015): 213-26.
LoPachin, R.M. and Terrence Gavin. "Toxic Neuropathies: Mechanistic Insights based on a Chemical Perspective." Neuroscience Letters 596 (2015): 78-83.
Lyle, Timothy S. "An Interview with Janet Mock." Callaloo 38.3 (2015): 502-508.
Lyle, Timothy S. "In the Life and in the Spirit: Homoerotic Spirituality in African American Literature: A Review." CLA Journal 59.1 (2015): 96-100.
Martins, Chrissy, Lauren Block, and Darren Dahl. "Can Hand Washing Influence Hedonic Food Consumption?" Psychology & Marketing 32.7 (2015): 742-750., doi:10.1002/mar.20814.
Merigó, José M., Anna M. Gil-Lafuente, and Ronald R. Yager. "An Overview of Fuzzy Research with Bibliometric Indicators." Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015): 420-433., doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2014.10.035. [Abstract only.]
Merigó, José M., Kurt J. Engemann, and Anna M. Gil-Lafuente. "Guest Editorial: Intelligent Systems in Business and Economics." Cybernetics and Systems 46.3-4 (2015): 145-149., doi:10.1080/01969722.2015.1012882. [Abstract only.]
Mesiar, R., A. Stupnanova, and Ronald R. Yager. "Generalizations of OWA Operators." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23.6 (2015): 2154-2162., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2015.2406888.
Milianta, Peter J., Michelle Muzzio, Jacqueline Denver, Geoffrey Cawley, and Sunghee Lee. “Water Permeability across Symmetric and Asymmetric Droplet Interface Bilayers: Interaction of Cholesterol Sulfate with DPhPC." Langmuir 31.44 (2015): 12187-12196.
Miller, Holmes E., and Kurt J. Engemann. "Threats to the Electric Grid and the Impact on Organizational Resilience." International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 6.1 (2015).
Kim, Min Jung, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Leonard L. LaPointe, and Michelle S. Bourgeois. "The Use of Gesture Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Analysis." Aphasiology 29.6 (2015): 665-84., doi:10.1080/02687038.2014.976536.
Moore, Penelope J., William Gratzer, Caroline Lieber, Vaughn Edelson, James O'Leary, Sharon F. Terry, Marita Grudzen, and Nancy Hikoyeda. "Does It Run in the Family? Toolkit: Improving Well-Education Elders Ability to Facilitate Conversations about Family Health History." American International Journal of Social Science 4.1 (2015): 5-12.
Nyre, Joseph E. "Tradition and Change." Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 16.2 (2015): 55-57.
Paffenroth, Kim. "Joseph Torchia. Restless Mind: 'Curiositas' & the Scope of Inquiry in St. Augustine's Psychology [Book Review]." Speculum 90.2 (2015): 591-592.
Petrovic, Smiljana, Gary Berton, Sean Campbell, and Lubomir Ivanov. "Attribution of 18th Century Political Writings Using Machine Learning." Journal of Technologies in Society 11.3 (2015): 1-13., doi:10.18848/2381-9251/CGP/v11i03/56506.
Petry, Fred, Paul Elmore, and Ronald R. Yager. "Combining Uncertain Information of Differing Modalities." Information Sciences 322 (2015): 237-256., doi:10.1016/j.ins.2015.06.009.
Procario-Foley, Elena. "Restating the Catholic Church's Relationship with the Jewish People: The Challenge of Super-Sessionary Theology [Book Review]." Theological Studies 76.1 (2015): 186-7.
Rahman, Aminur, Noor Nahar, Neelu N. Nawani, Jana Jass, Khaled Hossain, Zahangir Alam Saud, Ananda K. Sada, Sibdas Ghosh, Björn Olsson, and Abul Mandal. "Bioremediation of Hexavalent Chromium (VI) by a Soil-borne Bacterium, Enterobacter Cloacae B2-DHA." Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 50.11 (2015): 1136-1147., doi:10.1080/10934529.2015.1047670.
Rahman, Aminur, Noor Nahar, Neelu N. Nawani, Jana Jass, Sibdas Ghosh, Björn Olsson, and Abul Mandal. "Comparative Genome Analysis of Lysinibacillus B1-CDA, a Bacterium that Accumulates Arsenics." Genomics 106.6 (2015): 384-392.
Redcross, Natalie Ryder. "The Campus-wide Presentation: An Experiential Approach to Increasing Student Learning, Growth and Marketability." Journal of College Teaching & Learning 12.2 (2015).
Reformat, Marek Z. and Ronald R. Yager. "Soft Computing Techniques for Querying XBRL Data." Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 22.3 (2015): 179-199., doi:10.1002/isaf.1366. [Abstract only.]
Rickard, J.T., J. Aisbett, and Ronald R. Yager. "A New Fuzzy Cognitive Map Structure Based on the Weighted Power Mean." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23.6 (2015): 2188-2201., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2015.2407906.
Salamone, Frank A. "Bruce Grindal as Ijapa, the Yoruba Secular Trickster." Anthropology and Humanism 40.2 (2015): 182-190., doi:10.1111/anhu.12088.
Shansky, Carol. "Two Compositions for a Shabbat Service: 'Adonai S'Fatai' and 'Misheberach.'" Musica Est Donum 1.1 (2015): 44-51.
Shurman, Jaclyn and Dorothy Leone. "Standardized Versus Naturalized: An Evaluation of Child Morphological and Syntactic Assessments." International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities 7 (2015).
Stillwaggon, James. "'Onstage They Ain't Got No Roots Rock Rebel': Kierkegaardian Despair and the Aesthetics of Black Suffering." Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2015: 220-223.
Stillwaggon, James, and David Jelinek. "Annotations on a Scandal: Desire, Transgression, and the Filmic Fantasy of Pedagogy." Educational Theory 65.5 (2015): 529-544., doi:10.1111/edth.12131.
Tisor, Omoakhe, Michelle Muzzio, David Lopez, and Sunghee Lee. "Adaptability of Monoglyceride-Induced Crystallization of K2SO4: Effect of Various Anions and Lipid Chain Splay." Langmuir 31.7 (2015): 2112-2119.
Toliver, Susan D., Penelope J. Moore, and Natalie Redcross. "Intra-Racial Dynamics of Black Faculty and Black Students: Barriers to Success in the Academy in Predominantly White Institutions." European Scientific Journal. Special ed. Vol. 1 (2015): 33-40.
Umashankara, Rachana Rao. "Metropolitan Microcosms: The Dynamic Spaces of Contemporary Sufi Shrines in India." South Asian Studies 31.1 (2015): 127-43., doi:10.1080/02666030.2015.1008819. [Abstract only.]
Villenueva, G.L., M.J. Mumma, Robert E. Novak, H.U. Käuf, P. Hartogh, T. Encrenaz, A. Tokunaga, A. Khayat, and M.D. Smith. "Strong Water Isotopic Anomalies in the Martian Atmosphere: Probing Current and Ancient Reservoirs." Science (2015).
Yager, Ronald R. "Combining Various Types of Belief Structures." Information Sciences 303.10 (2015): 83-100., doi:10.1016/j.ins.2014.12.047.
Yager, Ronald R. "Conditional Information Using Copulas with an Application to Decision Making." Fuzzy Sets and Systems 272 (2015): 89-101., doi:10.1016/j.fss.2015.01.018.
Yager, Ronald R. "Firing Fuzzy Rules With Measure Type Inputs." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23.4 (2015): 939-949., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2014.2336253.
Yager, Ronald R. "Golden Rule and Other Representative Values for Atanassov Type Intuitionistic Membership Grades." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23.6 (2015): 2260-9., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2015.2417895.
Yager, Ronald R. "Jeffrey's Rule of Conditioning with Various Forms for Uncertainty." Information Fusion 26 (2015): 136-143., doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2014.12.001.
Yager, Ronald R. "Multicriteria Decision-Making Using Fuzzy Measures." Cybernetics and Systems 46.3-4 (2015): 150-171., doi:10.1080/01969722.2015.1012884.
Yager, Ronald R. "A Note on Measuring Fuzziness for Intuitionistic and Interval-valued Fuzzy Sets." International of General Systems 44:7-8 (2015): 889-901.
Yager, Ronald R. "On the Maximum Entropy Negation of a Probability Distribution." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23.5 (2015): 1899-1902., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2014.2374211.
Yager, Ronald R. and Naif Alajlan. "Dempster-Shafer Belief Structures for Decision Making under Uncertainty." Knowledge-Based Systems 80 (2015): 58-66., doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2014.12.031.
Yager, Ronald R. and Naif Alajlan. "An Intelligent Interactive Approach to Group Aggregation of Subjective Probabilities." Knowledge-Based Systems 83 (2015): 170-175., doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2015.03.018.
Yager, Ronald R. and Naif Alajlan. "On a Role for Copula's in Jeffrey's Rule with An Application to Decision Making." International Journal of Intelligent Systems 30.11 (2015): 1117-1132., doi:10.1002/int.21736. [Abstract only.]
Yager, Ronald R. and Naif Alajlan. "On the Consistency of Fuzzy Measures in Multi-criteria Aggregation." Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 14.2 (2015): 121-137.
Yager, Ronald R. and Radko Mesiar. "On the Transformation of Fuzzy Measures to the Power Set and Its Role in Determining the Measure of a Measure." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23.4 (2015): 842-849., doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2014.2328019.
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