- Iona University
- Research Guides
- Citing Sources Guide
- Sample Research Papers and Formatting Guidelines
Citing Sources Guide
Iona University Libraries Research Guide on Citing Source
- Citations - Welcome
- MLA, 9th Edition
- APA, 7th EditionToggle Dropdown
- Chicago/Turabian, 18th EditionToggle Dropdown
- ACS StyleToggle Dropdown
- CSE StyleToggle Dropdown
- ASA Style, 7th EditionToggle Dropdown
- Citing Artificial Intelligence
- RefWorks This link opens in a new window
- Annotated Bibliographies This link opens in a new window
- Getting More Help
Research Paper
- MLA Handbook Plus: Sample PapersTen sample papers open in PDFs.
- Purdue Owl MLA 9: Sample PaperOne sample paper opens in PDF.
Formatting Guidelines
- Include a Header with your last name and page number on all pages in the upper right-hand corner
- Do not include a title page unless it is a group project
- Your name, instructor name, course, and date (day month year, i.e., 6 June 2019) are in the upper left-hand corner of the first page, skipping a line between each entry
- Center the paper's title. Do not use bold; use italics or quotations
- Double-space the paper
- Use 12-point font
- Insert one space after all punctuation
- Use 1-inch margins
- Use a 0.5-inch indent of the first line of paragraphs
Works Cited
The Works Cited list provides all bibliographic information on all sources cited in your work.
- Works Cited list is located at the end of the paper
- The list should be double-spaced with no space between entries
- Use hanging indent to indent the second and subsequent entry lines .5 inches from the left margin
- Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the first element, usually the author. If there is no author, use the title
- Alphabetize letter by letter of the author's name before the comma. Letters after the comma are used only when authors have the same last name
- For multiple works by the same author, alphabetize by title. Also, replace the author's name with three hyphens on the second and subsequent entries
- Alphabetize titles letter by letter ignoring initial articles (A, An, The, and foreign equivalents)
- The location of an online work should include a URL
- Omitting the http:// or https:// protocols
- End all citations with a period
- When noting page numbers on the Works Cited page, use one p. for a single page and double pp. for multiple pages
- p. 92
- pp. 198-208
- When the pages have a hundred or thousand pages, you may omit the number if it is the same as the preceding number
- pp. 208 - 32
- "When noting page numbers in parenthetical citations, omit the "p." or "pp."
- (Walsh 22)
- (Walsh 122-23)
- Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 1:35 PM
- URL: https://guides.iona.edu/citationguide
- Print Page
Subjects: Accounting, Biology, Business, Career Exploration, Chemistry, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Data and Statistics, ebooks, Economics, Education, English, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, Finance, Fine & Performing Arts, Health and Medicine, Health Care Management, History, Honors Program, Information Systems, International Studies, Languages, Law, Management, Marketing, Marriage & Family Therapy, Mathematics, Media & Strategic Communication, Multidisciplinary, New Databases, News & Current Events, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Peace & Justice Studies, Philosophy, Primary Sources, Psychology, Reference Sources, Religious Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Sports, Entertainment & Media, Streaming Video