- Iona University
- Research Guides
- Citing Sources Guide
- Research Paper
Citing Sources Guide
Iona University Libraries Research Guide on Citing Source
- Citations - Welcome
- MLA, 9th EditionToggle Dropdown
- APA, 7th EditionToggle Dropdown
- Chicago/Turabian, 18th EditionToggle Dropdown
- ACS Style
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- ASA Style, 7th EditionToggle Dropdown
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Research Paper
- Summarize the scope of your research and demonstrate the importance of your study.
- Descriptive title
- Sentence case:
- Capitalize the first word
- Capitalize the first word following a colon or em dash
- Capitalize proper nouns
- Capitalize nouns followed by a numeral or letter
- All other words in lower case
- Do not end with a period - your title should not be a sentence
- Do not start with an article
- Use plain (no bold, italics, or special fonts)
Author(s) & Affiliations
- List names of everyone who contributed - you need to include your research advisor - any lab partners, or other colleagues
- The lead author (usually you) name goes first
- Affiliation usually will be Iona University
- Written in third person
- Written in passive voice
- Be sure to include
- the importance of the research
- any problems you attempted to solve
- the approaches and methods you took
- an overview, not too much detail
- a conclusion but not specific results
- 200 - 500 words (follow instructions of your professor)
- Follow the rules under Abstract
- Importance
- What is currently known/accepted
- What are you trying to prove
- Explain results as they relate to what you are trying to prove
- Use graphs to illustrate your findings
- What were your results
- What questions or methods should be explored further
- What questions arise from the results which need to be studied
- Anyone who helped or provided funding
- Use ACS formatting
- Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025 12:53 PM
- URL: https://guides.iona.edu/citationguide
- Print Page
Subjects: Accounting, Biology, Business, Career Exploration, Chemistry, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Data and Statistics, ebooks, Economics, Education, English, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, Finance, Fine & Performing Arts, Health and Medicine, Health Care Management, History, Honors Program, Information Systems, International Studies, Languages, Law, Management, Marketing, Marriage & Family Therapy, Mathematics, Media & Strategic Communication, Multidisciplinary, New Databases, News & Current Events, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Peace & Justice Studies, Philosophy, Primary Sources, Psychology, Reference Sources, Religious Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Sports, Entertainment & Media, Streaming Video