Citing Sources Guide
Iona University Libraries Research Guide on Citing Source
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- CSE Style
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CSE Style
Scientific Style and Format by Council of Council of Science Editors
Call Number: R 808.066 S 416-1ISBN: 9780226116495Publication Date: 2014-05-07
A print copy is available in the Ryan Library Reference Section.
Online access to the Quick Style Guide for CSE Style is available from the link below:
CSE is a citation style by the Council of Science Editors and is typically used by the science disciplines, particularly biology.
There are three different styles within CSE.
- Citation-Sequence
- Citation - Name
- Name-Year
Please check with your professor to determine which citation style they prefer.
There are three methods of providing in-text citations in ACS. Please check with your professor for the preferred method.
- Citation-Sequence:
- Uses superscript numerals or a number in parentheses to identify in-text citations. The exact number is used for the corresponding reference every time it is cited. So if the first work cited is by Fraser, it will be given a ¹, or a (1) will always be Fraser¹ or Fraser (1) every time it is cited
- Fraser will then be the first entry on the Reference list since it was the first cited source
- Uses superscript numerals or a number in parentheses to identify in-text citations. The exact number is used for the corresponding reference every time it is cited. So if the first work cited is by Fraser, it will be given a ¹, or a (1) will always be Fraser¹ or Fraser (1) every time it is cited
- Name-Year:
- Uses parenthetical in-text citations that include the author's name and the year of publication
- (Williams 2018)
- The Reference list is alphabetical
- Uses parenthetical in-text citations that include the author's name and the year of publication
- Citation-Name:
- Uses superscript numerals to identify in-text citations. The number corresponds to the reference list number, which is arranged alphabetically
- The first alphabetical entry receives a superscript 1, the next a superscript 2, etc.
- So if Morris is your fifth entry on the Reference list, all citations will be Morris5
- The first alphabetical entry receives a superscript 1, the next a superscript 2, etc.
- Uses superscript numerals to identify in-text citations. The number corresponds to the reference list number, which is arranged alphabetically
- Scientific Style and Format OnlineScientific Style and Format, 8th Edition text © 2014 by the Council of Science Editor.
- CAS Abbreviation ToolCASSI search tool.
Enter the name of the Journal
Click Search
Then click on the Journal name to see the accepted abbreviation.
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:20 PM
- URL:
- Print Page
Subjects: Accounting, Biology, Business, Career Exploration, Chemistry, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Data and Statistics, ebooks, Economics, Education, English, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, Finance, Fine & Performing Arts, Health and Medicine, Health Care Management, History, Honors Program, Information Systems, International Studies, Languages, Law, Management, Marketing, Marriage & Family Therapy, Mathematics, Media & Strategic Communication, Multidisciplinary, New Databases, News & Current Events, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Peace & Justice Studies, Philosophy, Primary Sources, Psychology, Reference Sources, Religious Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Sports, Entertainment & Media, Streaming Video