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Reference Page Examples taken from the ASA
Headed as References
Listed in alphabetical order by author's last name
Use full first names unless the author uses only initials
List all authors. Do not use et al.
Title Case - capitalize all words except prepositions, articles, and conjunctions unless they begin a title
Capitalize only the first word of a hyphenated word unless the second word is a proper noun
Journal with a DOI Format:
Author1 (Last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. “Title of Article.” Name of Publication Volume Number(Issue Number):Page Numbers. DOI.
Persell, Caroline Hodges, Katheryn M. Pfeiffer, and Ali Syed. 2008. " How Sociological Leaders Teach: Some Key Principles." Teaching Sociology 36(2):108-24. doi:10.1177/0092055X0803600202.
Journal with a URL Format:
Author1 (Last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. “Title of Article.” Name of Publication Volume Number(Issue Number). URL.
Schafer, Daniel W., and Fred L. Ramsey. 2003. "Teaching the Craft of Data Analysis." Journal of Statistics Education 11(1). https://jse.amstat.org/v11n1/schafer.html.
Physical Journal Format:
Author1 (Last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. “Title of Article.” Name of Publication Volume Number(Issue Number):Page numbers of article.
Kalleberg, Arne L., Barbara F. Reskin, and Ken Hudson. 2000. “Bad Jobs in America: Standard and Nonstandard Employment Relations and Job Quality in the United States.” American Sociological Review 65(2):256-78.
Book Format:
Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. Name of Publication. Publisher’s city and state, or province postal code (or name of country if a foreign publisher): Publisher’s Name.
Edin, Kathryn, and Maria Kefalas. 2005 Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage. Berkely: University of California Press.
Chapter in Book Format:
Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. " Title of article." Pp. (page numbers) in Name of Publication, edited by Editor1, Editor2, and Editor 3 (names not inverted and initials only for first and middle names).Publisher’s city and state, or province postal code (or name of country if a foreign publisher): Publisher’s Name.
Montez, Jennifer K., and Mark D. Haywood. 2011. "Early Life Conditions and Later Life Mortality." Pp. 187-206 in International Handbook of Adult Mortality, edited by R. G. Rodgers and E. Crimmins. New York: Springer Publishers.
Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. "Name of Article." Name of Publication, Month Day of publication. URL.
Sampson, Robert J. 2006. "Open Doors Don't Invite Criminals." New York Times, March 11. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/11/opinion/11sampson.html.
Video - YouTube Format:
Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. "Name of Episode." Produced by Name, Month Day of publication. Video, length. URL.
Edin, Kathryn. 2018. "One Misfortune Away." Produced by the American Sociological Association, June 27. Video, 5:13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExmHMXPZ8Nc.
Podcast Format:
Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (including full surname, last name is not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. "Name of Episode." Month Day of publication in Name of Podcast, produced by Name, podcast, length. URL.
Cunninham, Lillian. 2016. " John f. Kennedy: We Are All Mortal." August 28 in Presidential, produced by the Washington Post, podcast, 43:15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/presidential-podcast/.
Website Format:
Corporation Name.Year of publication. “Title of Page.” URL.
American Sociological Association 2006. “Status Committees.” http://www.asanet. org/cs/root/leftnav/committees/committees.
American Sociological Association (@ASAnews). 2018. "Historic increases in income inequality have coincided with widening class divides in parental investments of money and time in children. See https://x.com/ASAnews/status/1843679590650138718?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet." X, July 9, 11:50 p.m.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior (@JofHSB). 2017. "New Today in JHSB: McKay & Timmermans open access paper & policy brief on the importance of the Affordable Care Act for strengthening communities. #healthinsurance #aca #neighborhoodeffect #communitity." Facebook, January 16. https://www.facebook.com/JOFHSB/posts/1202612046518803.
Personal Communications, Email, Texts, InPerson Conversations
Typically, they are not entered on the Reference page.
A note should be included on a notes page or the footer of the page, and the reference in the text should be marked with a superscript or in a parenthetical citation with the words (personal communication) or (unpublished data).
Radio Interviews should be treated as an article.
Brochures/Flyers/Pamphlets should be treated as a book.
Maps & Diagrams should be mentioned in the text with a note explanation.
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:20 PM
- URL: https://guides.iona.edu/citationguide
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