- Iona University
- Research Guides
- Citing Sources Guide
- Citations - Welcome
Citing Sources Guide
Iona University Libraries Research Guide on Citing Source
- Citations - Welcome
- MLA, 9th EditionToggle Dropdown
- APA, 7th EditionToggle Dropdown
- Chicago/Turabian, 18th EditionToggle Dropdown
- ACS StyleToggle Dropdown
- CSE StyleToggle Dropdown
- ASA Style, 7th EditionToggle Dropdown
- Citing Artificial Intelligence
- RefWorks This link opens in a new window
- Annotated Bibliographies This link opens in a new window
- Getting More Help
- When to Cite?
- What are Citations & Why Citations Matter?
- Which Style to Use?
- Paraphrasing and Summarizing
- Additional Resources
When to in-text Cite
- Quote
- when you use another's exact words, you need to use quotation marks
- Paraphrase
- when you take someone else's idea and put it in your own words
- Summarize
- when you describe another's ideas briefly
- When you use data, statistics, images, or content generated by artificial intelligence.
Please Note:
- You must cite the source regardless of the author or creator when you use an idea, content, or words that are not your own. Examples of sources are:
Books, eBooks, Articles, Slides, Lectures, Videos, Audio, Images, Interviews, Social Media (all formats), and content generated by chatbots, machines, and tools using AI (Artificial Intelligence)
You Don't Need to Cite
- Your ideas and content (unpublished or not previously submitted)
- When you are using common knowledge (Albany is the capital of New York State)
But err on the side of caution and cite if you are unsure.
What are Citations
- Citations give credit when our information comes from another source, and they help to avoid plagiarism
- Citations provide credibility to your work as they provide a roadmap of your research process and share with your readers a way to track your research and read your sources
- Citations are listed at the end of your paper as References, Bibliography, or Works Cited, depending on the style used.
- In-text citations and footnotes are short references linking the information to the reference/bibliography/works cited page.
Why Citations Matter
- Acknowledgment of information being located from another source
- Assisting your reader in finding the document you found the information
- Supporting your argument in a scholarly dialogue
- Demonstrating your credibility by signifying your research into a topic
- If you don't cite your sources, you are guilty of plagiarism
Always check with your professor as to which citation method you need.
Citation styles vary and are often associated with specific disciplines.
- MLA (Modern Language Association) is typically used for literature, arts, and humanities
- APA (American Psychological Association) is typically used for the social sciences
- Chicago/Turabian (University of Chicago Press) is typically used for history
- ACS (American Chemical Society) is typically used for chemistry
- CSE (Council of Science Editors) is typically used for biology
- ASA (The American Sociological Association) is typically used for sociology
Contact a librarian if you have any questions. We are always happy to assist you.
Always introduce and explain a quotation, paraphrase, or summation to differentiate your voice from the source's and provide the significance of the idea.
Limit long quotes whenever possible.
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:20 PM
- URL: https://guides.iona.edu/citationguide
- Print Page
Subjects: Accounting, Biology, Business, Career Exploration, Chemistry, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Data and Statistics, ebooks, Economics, Education, English, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, Finance, Fine & Performing Arts, Health and Medicine, Health Care Management, History, Honors Program, Information Systems, International Studies, Languages, Law, Management, Marketing, Marriage & Family Therapy, Mathematics, Media & Strategic Communication, Multidisciplinary, New Databases, News & Current Events, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Peace & Justice Studies, Philosophy, Primary Sources, Psychology, Reference Sources, Religious Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Sports, Entertainment & Media, Streaming Video