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A guide to using the citation manager RefWorks

Note on Page Updates

This page will be updated periodically with known glitches in RefWorks that have greatest effect on research activities at Iona University. RefWorks sends emails to users with notes on software updates, often outlining resolved glitches.

For more regularly updated information on technical issues with RefWorks, visit the RefWorks Support page.

Understanding glitches in RefWorks does not guarantee that RefWorks will generate citations that fully comply with the most updated versions of citations styles. Review any citations created by RefWorks using the Citing Sources Research Guide.

Know Issue in APA 7th & Journal Articles

Correcting the generated APA 7th reference in RefWorks Click Format Bibliography (“ icon) 

  1. Select APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI:  
  2. Click on the star to make it your favorite. 
  3. Sample Reference below 

References (incorrect) 

Kirshner, H. S. (2012). Primary progressive aphasia and alzheimer's disease: Brief history,    recent evidence. Current Neurology and    Neuroscience Reports, 12(6), 709-14. 




References (corrected) 

Kirshner, H. S. (2012). Primary progressive aphasia and alzheimer's disease: Brief history, recent evidence. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 12(6), 709-14. 

*Note: This usually happens off-campus.

Check your RefWorks generated citations against the Citing Sources in APA Style, 7th Edition page of the Citing Sources Research Guide.​​​​​​