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Career Exploration

Iona University Libraries Guide to Career Exploration


Generative AI tools can enhance your job and internship search when used strategically and ethically. Be sure to complement these tools with library databases to ensure comprehensive and reliable research.

Maintain authenticity:

  • Ensure your interview responses and application materials reflect your true voice and experiences. Use AI-generated content as a starting point, then personalize it to match your unique style and background.

Engage effectively:

  • Craft specific queries and follow up with clarifying questions. 

Adapt your tone:

  • Experiment with various tones (formal, casual, engaging) to find the best fit for each situation.

Protect your privacy:

  • Safeguard your personal information and remove identifying details.

Remember, AI is designed to augment your job search, not replace your critical thinking and personal touch.

Adapted from the University of California, Irvine's ChatGPT, AI, and the Job Search

Resumes and Cover Letters

Should you use generative AI to write a resume or a cover letter?

Before beginning, familiarize yourself with these two articles:

"Should You Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume?" (

  •    This article explores the benefits and potential pitfalls of using AI tools to optimize keyword usage and formatting in resumes, enhancing the chances of passing through applicant tracking systems.

"ChatGPT for Writing Cover Letters" (

  • This article discusses how AI can help personalize cover letters by tailoring content to specific job descriptions and company cultures, providing valuable insights for effectively using AI in the job application process

Sample Prompts for Asking an AI Tool About Preparing Resumes and Cover Letters


  • I'm applying for a [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. My resume currently focuses on [Skills/Experience]. Can you suggest five specific improvements to better highlight my qualifications for this role based on the job description [Insert job description]?
  • I'm applying for a [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. To optimize my resume for applicant tracking systems (ATS), can you analyze the job description [Insert job description] and suggest the most relevant keywords and phrases I should integrate throughout my resume?
  • Can you review my resume [Insert resume] and suggest any sections that might benefit from reformatting or restructuring to make them clearer and more impactful?
  • I have several bullet points on my resume that describe my work contributions. I'd like to make them more impactful by using quantifiable metrics and results. Can you review my resume [Insert Resume] and suggest ways to strengthen these descriptions with numbers or percentages to showcase the results of my work?
  • To optimize my resume for applicant tracking systems (ATS) in the [Industry] field, can you analyze the job description [Insert job description] and suggest relevant industry-specific terms and buzzwords I should incorporate?

Cover Letter

  • Based on my resume [Insert resume] and the job description [Insert job description], can you draft a 3-paragraph cover letter for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]? Highlight relevant skills and experiences that demonstrate how I can contribute to the company.
  • I'm writing a cover letter for a [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Can you help me identify the key points I should emphasize to showcase my qualifications and strong interest in the role? (e.g., Relevant skills, Achievements, Enthusiasm)
  • I'd like my cover letter to reflect the values and culture of [Company Name]. Can you help me tailor it based on the information I found here [Insert company information]?
    • Possible AI tools to use when creating your cover letter. Be sure to review and tailor the letter to your specific needs.

General Writing Assistance:

  • Can you review my resume [Insert resume] and suggest any unnecessary details I can remove to make it more concise and impactful for potential employers?
  • Can you help me rewrite my career summary to better capture my skills and experiences?
  • How should I address employment gaps in my resume or cover letter?
  • I want to describe my responsibilities and achievements on my resume more powerfully. Can you suggest some strong action verbs that showcase my skills and results?

Follow-Up and Thank You Letters:

  • I recently interviewed for the [Job Title] position at [Software Company Name]. Can you help me write a thank you letter? Please emphasize my enthusiasm for the role, reference specific points discussed during the interview [insert these], and reiterate my relevant skills and experiences.
  • I submitted my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Can you suggest key elements to include in a follow-up email that demonstrates my continued interest and helps my application stand out?

Preparing for Interviews

Sample prompts for asking an AI tool about preparing for interviews:

  • Based on this job description, what are 5-7 likely interview questions?
  • Using my resume details, craft a confident and engaging response to the first question generated.
  • How can I highlight my relevant experience for [specific requirement] mentioned in the job posting?
  • Based on the job description, what specific examples or achievements from my resume best demonstrate the key skills and qualifications they are looking for?
  • Suggest 5 questions I could ask the interviewer to learn about the company's culture and its approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Generate talking points about why I'm interested in this specific role and company.

Possible AI tools to use.

Be sure to review and tailor the letter to your specific needs.