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English Research Guide

A guide to assist in library research for English and Film Studies classes


Welcome to the library research guide on William Shakespeare and his works.

Call Numbers for Books

All books William Shakespeare authored and books about him and his works begin with call numbers 822.33. The bulk of the collection can be found on the 2nd floor, East wing, and the oversized books on the 3rd floor, West wing have a Q. The reference books on the first floor have an R in front of the call number, and your professor may have put a book on reserve by the Help Desk.

Shakespeare Scholarship in JSTOR

Take a look at this JSTOR project that lets you get Shakespeare scholarship line by line.

“Understanding Series is a collaborative project between JSTOR Labs and the Folger Shakespeare Library . It’s a research tool that allows students, educators and scholars to use the text of Shakespeare’s plays to quickly navigate into the scholarship written about them—line by line. Users simply click next to any line of text in a play and relevant articles from the JSTOR archive immediately load.”

Shakespeare at Iona

The Shakespeare Newsletter

The Shakespeare Newsletter is a scholarly journal published three times a year by the English Department at Iona College ( SNL began publication in 1951, under the editorship of Louis Marder, and Iona became the publisher of SNL in 1991.  Search for it in WorldCat. 

  • 2,000 subscribers in 37 countries around the globe
  • Three issues per year, averaging 40 pages each of news, reviews, abstracts, digests of dissertations and periodical articles
  • The Shakespeare Newsletter thrives on contributions from its subscribers. Every issue includes reviews and short critical pieces by a variety of Shakespeareans

Shakespeare Courses

English 301    Comedy & History
English 302    Tragedy & Romance
English 310    Shakespeare on Film
English 711    Studies in Shakespeare
English 712    Further  Studies in Shakespeare
FPA 207         Shakespeare in Performance (summer session)

Open Source Shakespeare

Open Source Shakespeare is a non-commercial website allowing free access to searchable digital versions of the complete works of William Shakespeare.  You can find it by searching "Open Source Shakespeare" on Google or Bing.

Literature & Language Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases