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English 120 Thinking Through Writing

A guide to library resources and research for ENG110, 120, and 122 students

Finding Articles in Research Databases

Current news articles and recent peer-reviewed articles can offer topical information about current and controversial issues. Older articles can also provide a historical perspective on your topic. To find these resources:

  • Go to the News and Current Event Databases, which include newspaper and magazine databases, and several other databases covering current and controversial issues. Try starting with one of the following news and current events databases:
    • U.S. Major Dailies: U.S. Major Dailies provides access to U.S. national and regional newspapers, including Chicago TribuneWashington PostThe Wall Street JournalLos Angeles Times and The New York Times.

    • International Newsstream: Provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites.

    • CQ Researcher: Reports address controversial current issues. Includes historical perspective, recent developments, statistics, opposing viewpoints, and sources for additional research.

    • New York Times (1980 - Current): Publishes the complete text of important documents, speeches and presidential press conferences.

    • Opposing Viewpoints: Covers many current social issues, features updated viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, images and other resources.

  • In addition to the News and Current Events database offerings, you are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times while you are an Iona student. Follow the instructions on the The New York Times Academic Pass to activate your account.
    • For researching controversial issues, check both current and archived Opinion pieces in the New York Times to understand how conversations around that topic have changed over time.
  • You can also find articles in WorldCat.


While books take longer to publish than articles, there can still be lots of useful information in books and eBooks for current events research:

  • You can search for eBooks in WorldCat by searching for your topic, clicking the "Looking for a" drop-down menu, and checking off the box in front of ”eBooks."
  • eBook Databases include both multidisciplinary and subject-specific eBook databases. Try starting with one of the following eBook databases:


Videos can also be useful for researching current and controversial events:
  • You can search for videos in WorldCat by searching for your topic, clicking the "Looking for a" drop-down menu, and checking off the box in front of ”eVideo."
  • Video Databases include both multidisciplinary and subject-specific video databases. Try starting with one of the following video databases: