Chemistry & Biochemistry
Iona University Libraries Research Guide on Chemistry & Biochemistry
- AIST: Integrated Spectral Data Base System for Organic CompoundsMaintained by the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, this database includes NMR, IR, and MS data for tens of thousands of compounds. Free access. A request is made that users not download more than 50 files per day and that you credit them if data is used in publication or presentation.
- ChemspiderThe chemical structure database provides fast text and structure search access to over 29 million structures from hundreds of data sources.
- Consolidated index of selected property values: physical chemistry and thermodynamicsThis volume indexes physicochemical and thermodynamic data compilations from the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. Full-text viewable through HathiTrust.
- European Patent OffideSearchable database of European patents.
- Knovel - Smithsonian Physical TablesThe Smithsonian Physical Tables consists of tables of data of general interest to scientists and engineers and of particular interest to physicists. In 2003, Knovel converted the Tables into full-text searchable electronic format.
- Knovel Critical TablesKnovel Critical Tables contain tables of physical, solvent, and thermodynamic properties compiled from publicly-available web sources and non-copyrighted publications. The physical property tables include 21,000 organic and inorganic compounds and pure substances, the solvent property tables include 385 common solvents, and the thermodynamic property tables include over 15,000 compounds.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology WebbookIncludes IR, mass spec, and UV spectra for thousands of compounds. Includes IR, mass spec, and UV spectra for thousands of compounds.
- NIH - ChemIDplusProvides numerous chemical synonyms, structures, regulatory list information, and links to other databases containing information about chemical substances cited in National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases.
- NIST - Atomic Spectra DatabaseNIST Standard Reference Database #78. The spectroscopic data may be selected and displayed according to wavelengths or energy levels by choosing either spectral lines and associated energy levels. Additional information included—the National Institute of Standards % Technology (NIST).
- Organic Chemistry 9th Edition by McMurrayAn open access textbook.
- PubCHEM - ChemistryA biological and chemical compounds database with links to PubMed bibliographical references.
-, a Community of Interest website, includes topics such as NMR, IR, UV, and mass spec. Access (free) to online e-zine Spectral Lines. Includes discussion forums and links to other spectroscopy-related websites, including online databases of spectral data.
- U.S. Patent & Trademark OfficeSearchable database of U.S. patents.
- Wolfram|Alpha’s Chemical Reactions Interface 2.0Wolfram|Alpha is an excellent resource for learning about chemical reactions.
- Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 10:46 AM
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