Chemistry & Biochemistry
Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Welcome
- Chemical Health and Safety Resources
- Location of Print Books
- Open Access Journals and Books
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Welcome to the research guide for Chemistry & Biochemistry!
This guide will support your research in Chemistry & Biochemistry and related fields of study.
View the department's website and find information about course offerings, program faculty, curriculum requirements, etc.
- The Chemical Professional’s Code of ConductUpdated and adopted by the ACS Council in 2007.
- CASSI Journal Abbreviation ToolFind the correct abbreviation for a journal title.
- Chemical Health & Safety ResourcesACS standards & guidelines
The 500's and 600's are found in Ryan Library, 3rd Floor, West Wing. Call numbers beginning with "R" are reference books on the first floor, and call numbers starting with "Q" are oversized books in the same room as the Chemistry collection on the Third Floor.
Collection Locations in Ryan Library
Books on subjects in Chemistry are found in Dewey Decimal Number sections:
540 Chemistry & allied sciences
541 Physical & theoretical chemistry
542 Techniques, equipment, materials
543 Analytical Chemistry
544 Qualitative analysis
545 Quantitative analysis
546 Inorganic chemistry
547 Organic chemistry
548 Crystallography
549 Mineralogy
660 Chemical engineering
661 Industrial chemicals technology
662 Explosives, fuels technology
663 Beverage technology
664 Food technology
665 Industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
666 Ceramic & allied technologies
667 Cleaning, color, related technologies
668 Technology of other organic products
- ABC - ChemistryThe directory of free full-text journals in chemistry is divided into two parts: A is permanently available free journals, and B contains a list of trials and temporarily available journals.
- Chemical Information SourcesA Wikibook intended for professional readers.
- Organic Chemistry 9th Edition by McMurrayAn open access textbook.
- PubChemA biological and chemical compounds database with links to PubMed bibliographical references.
The library's online catalog searches for items available in Iona University Libraries and member libraries worldwide.
If you find an item in our catalog unavailable at Iona, you may request to borrow it from another library through Interlibrary Loan.
New York Times
- Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 10:46 AM
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