Faculty Resources
Select a Vendor Name or Database Title
Each vendor has a unique way to find the permanent URL to link to articles.
If you need further instruction, please contact Casey Hampsey.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
1. Find an article by browsing or searching the ACM Digital Library
2. Click on the article title to get the citation.
3. Find the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number near the bottom of the citation box.
Ex: doi>10.1145/2499937.2499938
4. When you put 'http://dx.doi.org/' before this number it operates as the permalink URL.
Ex: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2499937.2499938
5. When you paste this URL into the URL field in Blackboard, you will have to add the proxy pre-fix to the URL so your students can access the book from off-campus. Our proxy pre-fix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
1. Find a book by browsing or searching Books24x7.
2. Click on the title of the book to open to it's citation page with table of contents. If you want to link directly to a chapter, open that chapter.
3. There is no need to track down a Stable URL in this database. Use the link that appears in the as shown below:
Ex: http://library.books24x7.com.rocky.iona.edu:2048/toc.aspx?bookid=64330
1. Find an article, book or image by searching or browsing any of the EBSCOhost databases.
2. Click on the title of an article, book or image to open the citation/abstract view. All articles and citations have permalinks in EBSCOhost.
3. When you open an article, citation, or PDF document, there will be a toolbar on right-hand side of the screen. You will see a link titled "Permalink" located toward the bottom of the toolbar as outlined in red.
4. When you click on the this link, a box will appear above your document title, which contains the stable URL (or permalink) as shown below.
5. Copy and paste this full URL - as is - into Blackboard.
Gale Cengage utilizes database portals in several different styles, look for collection branding to determine which of the below instructions applies to you:
Gale Cengage Learning: Infotrac
1. Look for the 'Tools' box on the right-hand side of the page.
2. Click on link for 'Bookmark this Document'
3. A pop-up box will appear. Copy the link you see in this box. Gale calls it the 'Bookmark URL'
4. Add the proxy prefix to the beginning of this URL so students will be able to access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
Gale Essentials
Gale does not provide stable URL’s in this platform. When you are on the page for the resource you want to share, simply:
1. Copy the URL that appears in the browser’s address bar.
2. Add the proxy prefix to the beginning of this URL so students will be able to access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
Gale Virtual Reference Library
On this platform, permalinks are found at the end of the Front Cover page.
1. Click on the Front Cover of the book you want to share and scroll to the bottom and look for the 'Document URL' just above 'Source Citation' as shown below:
2. Copy that URL
3. Add the proxy prefix to the beginning of this URL so students will be able to access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
Gale Cengage Learning - Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Slavery & Anti-Slavery, Making of the Modern World
On this platform, permalinks are found in the listed citation at the bottom of the document view pages.
1. Scroll to the bottom of the page showing the document you want to share, and look for the 'Source Citation'.
2. Copy the URL that appears between the carrot marks < > at the end of the citation as shown below:
3. Add the proxy prefix to the beginning of this URL so students will be able to access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
1. Search or browse for articles in JSTOR.
2. Click on the title of the article to view the embedded PDF. Above the embedded PDF, the permalink or "stable URL" will be listed as shown below:
3. Add the proxy prefix to the beginning of this URL so students will be able to access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
4. Paste the 'Stable URL', with the proxy pre-fix before it, into the URL field in Blackboard
Ex: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/stable/351607
1. Find an audio file or album in Naxos.
2. Click on the title of an album to open it in your browser.
3a. If you want to provide the link for a single track of music, look for the 'Show or Hide Static URL' link on the left-hand side of the page (below the album cover image). Click on this link, and the URL you want will be displayed.
3b. If you want to link to an entire album, use the URL in the browser's address bar.
4. In either case, you must add the proxy prefix to the URL when you paste it into Blackboard. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
All articles and abstracts have permalinks in ProQuest. To find this link, open the article or abstract you are interested in, and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will find a section called 'Indexing (details)'. The 'Document URL' you want will appear toward the end of this section. Copy and paste the full URL into Blackboard. The proxy prefix is already included in this URL.
Sage Journals
1. When you pull up an article in Sage Journals, look for the "all versions of this article" link on the right hand menu.
2. This link will take you to the authority version of the article.
3. The stable version of the document URL is the one which now appears in your browser’s address bar. Copy this URL.
Ex.: http://adb.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/08/02/1059712311412797
4. When you paste it into the URL field in Blackboard, you will have to add the proxy prefix to the URL so your students can access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
Ex: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=http://adb.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/08/02/1059712311412797
SciVerse from ScienceDirect
1. ScienceDirect uses DOIs (digital object identifiers) for its permalinks. The DOI is usually listed at the top of an article along with the other header/citation information. It should look something like this: 10.1016/j.fcr.2006.11.007.
2. Add SciVerse's domain address: http://dx.doi.org/ to the DOI to create the permalink. Sometimes the full permalink address (SciVerse domain + DOI) is already listed in the document header, in which case you can copy the link as-is.
3. When you paste the link into the URL field in Blackboard, you will have to add the proxy prefix to the URL so your students can access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
Ex: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2006.11.007
Academic Video Online
1. When you open a video page in Academic Video Online (which you do not by clicking on the Play button, but by clicking on the video thumbnail or title), it will open a screen with a variety of information and menu options.
2. You should see a window for playing the video, a transcript box and some citation details. Underneath the player controls, look for the icon labeled "Embed/Link".
3. When you click on this icon, a pop-up box will appear, which contains the information you need.
4. You can copy the permalink provided and paste it into Blackboard.
5. When you paste the link into the URL field in Blackboard, you will have to add the proxy prefix to the URL so your students can access the article from off-campus. Our proxy prefix is: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=
Ex: http://rocky.iona.edu:2048/login?url=http://vasc.alexanderstreet.com.rocky.iona.edu:2048/view/1655066
Note: Although there is also code provided for embedding the video into a web page. This code cannot be used in Blackboard as we do not currently own the necessary plug-ins.
- Last Updated: Oct 31, 2024 11:32 AM
- URL: https://guides.iona.edu/facultyresources
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