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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: For Faculty

How can Educators respond to AI?

Fang, B. & Broussard, K. (2024, August 7). Augmented Course Design: Using AI to Boost Efficiency and Expand Capacity. Educause Review.

AI Pedagogy Project (Harvard University) - Includes Assignments

Considerations for using and addressing advanced automated tools in coursework and assignments (University of Delaware)

AI-Generated Content in the Classroom: Considerations for Course Design (University of Illinois)

ChatGPT and the Future of Writing Instruction (Youtube Video) 

Engaging with AI in your education and assessment (Student briefings University College of London)

Teaching in the Age of AI (Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching)  

Prompt engineering for educators – making generative AI work for you (University of Sydney)

Lang, J. (2023, April 4). How to Create Compelling Writing Assignments in a ChatGPT Age. The Chronicle of Higher Education.  (CHE account required)

Update the Syllabus

Talk with students about academic integrity.

Redesign assignments.

  • Create assignments that cannot be completed by ChatGPT or other AI tools such as:  multimodal, higher-order thinking and learning activities; challenge-based learning; Shark Tank in the classroom; experiential learning; addressing wicked problems, and others.

Encourage risk-taking, productive struggle, and learning from failure. 

Be transparent about assignments.

  • Consider how you might talk with students about the relationship between writing/research and learning. Explain why they need to write or do research, even when ChatGPT and Google can do that for them. 
  • Use the Transparency in Learning and Teaching framework.

Reconsider your approach to grading.

Shift from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation.

  • Consider how to increase intrinsic motivation by giving students autonomy, independence, freedom, opportunities to learn through play, and/or activities that pique their interest based on their experiences and cultures. Read more about motivational theories in education from Dr. Jackie Gerstein.

Utilize content not found in Chatbots

  • Assign recent and obscure articles, readings and text that aren't, at this time, reflected in Chatbots and ChatGPT.  
  • Assign recently produced videos. 

Field Trips

  • Coordinate times to take your class to conduct field observations; students can note their observations and write a reflection about their experience. Virtual field trips are also an option.

ChatGPT as an educational tool

Note: Before using ChatGPT please review their privacy and data policies.

Engage students in critiquing and improving ChatGPT responses.

  • Computer science students might identify potential ways to revise ChatGPT generated code to reduce errors and improve output.
  • Students might critically review the feedback ChatGPT provides on their writing and determine what is most helpful to their own learning. 
  • Students could analyze, provide feedback on, and even grade text produced by ChatGPT as a way to prepare for peer review of their classmates’ work.
  • Analyze how ChatGPT generates text for different audiences by asking ChatGPT to explain a concept for a 5 year old, college student, and expert. Analyze the difference in the way ChatGPT uses language.

Help students build their information literacy skills.

  • Ask students to conduct an Internet search to see if they can find the original sources of text used to generate a ChatGPT response.
  • Have students generate prompts for ChatGPT and compare and contrast the output. 
  • Ask students to design their own tool to evaluate ChatGPT responses. 
  • Ask ChatGPT to design a board game or invention related to the course content and then have students build a physical or digital model for the design/invention.

50 ChatGPT Prompts for Teachers

Analyzing AI Writing Tools

Questions About the AI Writing Tool

  • Who created the AI writing tool?
  • Who worked on training the AI writing tool?
  • What dataset was used to train the AI writing tool? How does the diversity (or lack thereof) of the dataset influence the output of the AI writing tool? 
  • Why was this tool created? 
  • What are the objectives, aims, and values of the tool designer?
  • What does the tool designer gain from your use of this tool? 
  • How does the tool designer make money from the tool? 
  • What do the privacy policies say? What are the terms of service/use and how much agency does the user have in their own participation and privacy? Are the privacy policy and terms of service easy to understand and read? Why do you think this is?
  • What are the limitations of this tool? (e.g., ChatGPT is not connected to the Internet, and therefore, cannot draw connections to present-day events; ChatGPT has a limit for how much text you can upload)
  • Who is the target audience for this tool? How do you know this? 
  • Who is harmed and who benefits from this tool? (question borrowed from the Civics of Technology curriculum)
  • What are the unintended and unexpected benefits and consequences of using this tool? (question borrowed from the Civics of Technology curriculum)

Questions About the Text Produced by the AI Writing Tool

  • What information is presented in the text?
  • What information is missing from the text? Why do you think that information is missing? (consider that ChatGPT generates text based on its training dataset)
  • What type of language and word choices are used to convey ideas and information in the text?
  • How are the language and word choices different from, or similar to, the way humans write? Why do you think that is?
  • List three adjectives to describe your response to the text. Your adjectives can be based on your immediate emotional reaction or longer-term reflections. Why did you select those adjectives?
  • Who is the target audience(s) for this text? How do you know this?
  • How reliable, accurate, and credible is the text? How did you determine this? 
  • What sources, if any, are cited? How accurate and relevant are those sources? 
  • What biases are present in the text? Why might this be?
  • What might be the original sources used to generate this text? Conduct an Internet search and see if you can find the original sources (it's likely more than one source!) that the AI tool used to generate this text. 
  • After responding to the prompts in the "Questions About the AI Writing Tool," section above, how does this influence your thinking about the text generated by the AI writing tool? 



Content used and modified with permission from Torrey Trust at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Retrieved January 19, 2023.