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Annotated Bibliographies

Create an Annotated Bibliography Using Refworks and Word

  1. Create a bibliography in RefWorks using the ASA - American Sociological Association, 7th Edition style. Screnshot of refworks folder titled annotated bibl
    Screenshot of Refworks bibliography style drop down menu. The menu says ASA - American Sociological Association, 7th Edition. A red arrow points to the drop down menu box.
  2. Click the "copy to clipboard" button. 
  3. Open a Word document. The instructions below are based on the online version of Word, not the desktop application. 
  4. Paste the bibliography into the document, keeping the source formatting. 
  5. Use the Citing Sources Guide to fix any errors in the citations.  Screenshot of a word document with a ASA 7th Edition style references page with three citations. Black text in red outlined boxes list the errors in the citations, with red arrows pointing from the boxes to the errors.
  6. Select all the text in the document by highlighting it or pressing the Ctrl+A keys. 
  7. While the text is highlighted, click on the three dots on the far right of the menu bar to access the paragraph settings. 
  8. Hover over the "line spacing" option from the drop down menu. Click on "2." Black text on a white background with the paragraph drop down menu of a word document. Line spacing tab is highlighted and the line spacing menu is popped out to the left of the drop down. A red arrow points to the 2 on the line spacing menu.
  9. Click to move your cursor to the end of your first citation (after the final period). 
  10. Again, click on the three dots on the far right of the menu bar. 
  11. Hover over the "line spacing" option from the drop down menu. Click on "Remove space after paragraph." Red arrows point to three dots that open paragraph
  12. Press the enter key.
  13. Again, click on the three dots on the far right of the menu bar. 
  14. Hover over the "special indent" option from the drop down menu. Click on "None." Red arrows point to three dots that open paragraph
  15. Write your annotation. When done, click to move your cursor to the start of your annotation and press the tab button to indent the first line of the annotation 0.5 inch from the margin. Screenshot of an ASA 7th edition style annotated bibliography in black text on a white background. The first of three citations has a link in blue text and an annotation below the link. Black text on a white background within a red outlined box says "place cursor here and then press tab button to indent first line" and a red arrow points from the box to the start of the first line of the annotation.
  16. Repeat steps 9-15 for each citation. Black text on a white background with an ASA 7th Edition style annotated bibliography. The first of three citations has an annotation below it.