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Guide to research strategies and resources for Entrepreneurship research

Getting Started

Think about what you are trying to research in entrepreneurship. Are you interested in learning about the efficacy of small business grants? Do you want to learn about venture capital funding cycles? Or are you interested in diving deeper into industry projections for data mining algorithms? Deciding on your research topic will give you a jumping-off point to dig deeper.

For more information about finding your research topic, see Choosing a Research Topic in our Research Essentials Guide.

Once you have your research topic, it's time to start your research. Determine some keywords that describe the most important concepts for your topic, and use those keywords to search for articles, books, or other materials that cover your topic. 

Searching is a process of trial and error, so be prepared to use a few strategies when finding materials. Using Boolean operators along with your keywords, such as AND or OR, can also help you refine your search. 

For a deeper dive into finding sources for your topic, see Finding Books and Articles in our Research Essentials Guide.

As you find materials to help you in your research, you may start to find that you are drifting away from your original research topic. That's okay! This can be a great chance to refine your topic. For example, if you start out researching the viability of solar panel start-ups in New York, but wind up becoming more interested in writing about leveraging solar panel subsidies as you read, that can turn into a great opportunity to pursue a topic that interests you more.

At this point it is also a great idea to sit back and take stock. Always remember to evaluate your sources, and reach out if you still need help.

Key Subject Journals

Digital Business Magazines & New York Times