A-Z Databases
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The most frequently-used databases
Articles and ebooks covering multidisciplinary subjects from all Ebsco databases.
Digital newsstand that offers a browse-able access to popular magazines such as Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Fortune, and The New Yorker.
Magazines can be downloaded to Android™ phones and tablets, Apple® phones and tables, and Kindle Fire tablets for offline reading.
Magazines can be downloaded to Android™ phones and tablets, Apple® phones and tables, and Kindle Fire tablets for offline reading.
Ebook versions of encyclopedias and reference works covering most subjects, as well as a collection of classic literature and criticisms.
Scholarly journals and ebooks in the humanities, social sciences, and business. Journal coverage generally ends 3-5 years before the current year.
Articles from journals and newspapers covering all subject areas. Includes dissertations, working papers from OECD, company reports, and country profiles.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
Alternate Name(s)
ECDB is a data analytics hub for the eCommerce sector. Data is visualized in various rankings, profiles, graphs and insights and can be downloaded at any time. Retailers and companies are summarized in detailed profiles, and rankings and KPIs are also featured.
The online, all-in-one platform for the MLA Handbook, and many other useful resources such as the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy, and others.
UptoDate is a clinical decision support resource that is widely used in nursing and the health professions. This product is available for all students and faculty of the Nursing Department. Users will be routed through OneLogin and, if it is the first time signing in, will be asked to register for an UptoDate account. Subsequent logins through OneLogin will then log the user in automatically.